Zach- My friend went home last episode. Did you see it?
Previously On The Challenge... In the daily challenge, Hunter/Ashley took away the win. They decided to take a shot at the EX's, Kyle and Faith. Bananas and Ashley got into a huge argument when they came back from the elimination. Nicole and Laurel flipped over the War Card and had to go against Kyle/Faith in the elimination. They played the "That's The Ticket elimination. This lead to Nicole/Laurel winning 3-2 and sending Kyle/Faith home.
After The Elimination...
Bayliegh, Hayleigh, and Ashley are all talking.
Ashley- Do ya'll feel like ya'll are going into the next elimination?
Hayleigh- No. Why?
Ashley- Because I just feel like Hunter and I are going in.
Bayliegh- We are going to make sure that ya'll do not go in.
Ashley- Thanks.
At The Fifth Daily Challenge...
TJ- Welcome to your fifth daily challenge of the season. Today we have a twist. This challenge will be played in a men's heat and women's heat. If the male/female wins, their partner will too. Each player will have to hold onto a rope. The last male and female that hangs on the longest will win it for their pair.
*Time Skip*
TJ- Good Job to Mark/Elena and Anessa/Veronica for winning the fifth daily challenge of the season. But here comes the hard part. Both of the winning pairs will have to agree on one other pair to go into tonight's elimination. But once you guys get home, there will be a vote. The pair that gets the most votes will be going into the elimination. So, Mark/Elena and Anessa/Veronica Who are you putting into tonight's elimination.
Mark, Elena, Anessa, and Veronica all talk.
TJ- Okay so who is it going to be?
Mark- We have decided to pick Bear and Georgia to go into tonight's elimination.
TJ- Okay. Bear/Georgia will be going into tonight's elimination. I will see you guys at the house in a few hours.
*Time Skip*
Everyone has voted for their pair.
At The Elimination...
TJ- Welcome everyone to the Killing Floor. As you all know the two winning pairs picked Berar and Georgia to go into tonight's elimination. I need you 2 to join me down here.
Bear and Georgia walk down and stand next to TJ.
TJ- In the House Vote, 3 total pairs got votes. Paulie and Cara Maria got 1 vote. Nelson and Angela got 5 votes. Devan and Marie got 10 votes. This means that Devan and Marie will be going into tonight's elimination. I need you 2 to join me down here.
Devan and Marie walk down and stand next to TJ.
TJ- Tonight, both pairs will be playing "Fire Ball". This elimination is based on "Balls In" but this time the ball is on fire. Both pairs will have 3 chances to get the ball in a basket. I the ball is out of bounds then, they will lose that turn. The players alternate between offense and defense each round. The pair who scores three points first will win.
{Bear- I think that We would be able to beat Devan/Marie. Devan really isn't that strong and Marie isn't really that smart so it would be pretty easy for us to win. COME ONNN!!!}
{Marie- They can't beat us. That's that. They can't even compare to us because they suck at eliminations. We will beat them so matter what.}
TJ blows the horn.
*Time Skip*
TJ- It is tied 2-2. Georgia and Marie will be playing in the final round. the first female to score once will win this elimination.
TJ blows the horn
Georgia has the ball and Marie is on defense. Marie charges at Georgia and slams her to the ground. Georgia's face to bleeding from hitting the ground but she doesn't give up. Marie keeps slamming her into the ground. Everyone is yelling for Georgia to stand up. Georgia slid along the ground to get closer to the basket. Marie is trying to punch the ball out of Georgia's hands with her left fist. But when Marie tries to punch the ball, Georgia runs to the basket on the right side. Marie couldn't catch up to Georgia and Georgia throws the ball in.
TJ- Good Job to Bear/Georgia for winning tonight's elimination. But this means that Devan/Marie, this ends your time here in South Africa.
Devan and Marie walk off with no claps from anyone.
{Marie- We tried our best and all of those people out there are haters. I will be back to show everyone that I am the strongest person here. BYE!}
Next Time On The Challenge...
TJ-Tonight both pairs will be playing "Code Breaker".
The Challenge 36: Love and War
ActionThere will be a total of 20 pairs (40 people). Each pair will either have something to do with Love or War. Who Will The Challenge: Love and War? I will post 2 episodes each week on Wednesdays and Thursdays.