Chapter 2

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Logan POV
When i walked into the room, Virgil was on the floor with a bloody nose.

"Get away from him." I growled at Roman.

"Or what, nerd?"

"Getting your brother to help me seems nice, don't you think?" Roman immediately backed away from Virgil when i said that.

"Jeez, fine." Roman walked out of the room like nothing happened and i began to clean up Virgil.

Roman POV
As i walked out of the room, i was greeted by Patton.

"Roman! How's Virgil? Can i see him?"

"Not right now Padre, he's with Logan right now."

"Why?" Patton asked confused.

"He just.. wants to rest for a bit.." I hate lying to Patton but i had to. But one thing I didn't know was when ever anyone lies, a certain snake shows up.

"Hello, hi, who didn't lie?" That certain snake
Was Janus. I don't really know why i made fun of his name. It fits him, the sides just kept confusing me into hating him. I still don't know if we should trust him or not.


"Language, Roman! Anyway, i don't know who lied, where did the sense it?" Patton asked the deceitful side.

"Totally not here. Incase you didn't know, Roman. I can sense lies. So who lied?"

"Well I didn't, i just asked Roman why I can't see my kiddo." Patton said loud enough for Janus to hear.

"So, Roman didn't lie then, what did he answer with?"

"He said Virgil wanted to rest for a bit, i don't see how he could lie about that though." Patton was confused and worried about Virgil but he tried not to show it. Maybe something happened to Virgil?

"I'm not going to check up on Virgil." Janus started walking away until Roman interrupted him.

"Why bother? He hates you" Roman said in a cocky tone.

"I still don't care about him. If you hurt him, I'm not going to be fuming, Roman" The snake side walked away go Virgil's room. He was probably in there. Virgil is almost always in his room except from Sanders Sides videos.

Janus POV
I walked into Virgils room to see Logan cleaning up a bloody nose. I was shocked, did Roman do that?

"What the hell."

"Salutations, Janus. What are you doing here exactly?" Logan said whole concentrating on Virgils bloody nose.

"Roman didn't lie to Patton about Virgil and i didn't want to see if he was alright.." Janus mumbled barely loud enough for both sides to hear.

"Why? I left you. I betrayed you" Virgil seemed guilty. Maybe he didn't actually hate me?

"I do care, i still don't care about you, no matter what you did to me and Remus."

"..Thanks Jan.." Virgil laughed weakly.

"Virgil should be fine now, come with me Janus." Logan stood up gestured for me to follow him.

"Alright." I followed Logan into his room and he shut the door after him when i came in.

"Sit down if you would like." Logan said.

I sat down on his bed and mumbled, "Why am i here?"

"I just wanted some company, would you like to do anything?" The logical side asked softly as he sat down next to me.

"I don't really know, I barely have peace these days." I started to blush at Logan stared at me with a sympathetic look on his face.

Logan POV

"Wait, are you lying?" I suddenly asked. He is Deceit so... you get what I'm saying.

"No, i can tell the truth when i like. It does no harm to me." He replied as he looked away from me, showing his snake side.

"Ah, i see. Would you like to go outside in the mindscape?"

"That seems alright. Wouldn't the other sides worry about you though?"

"Not really, i don't talk to them much except from Thomas's videos anymore."

We both remained silent for a bit, i was admiring his scales. They seemed so smooth. I reached out my hand and gently touched them. They were smooth.

"U-uhm, Logan?" The snake side human side of Janus's face started to flush.

"Yes, Janus?" I said, continuing to feel his scales. I've never heard Janus stutter, it was kind of weird.

"What are you doing?" We both looked at eachother.

"I've always wondered how you scales feel, they're surprisingly very smooth. Are they sensitive? I'll stop if you would like."

"No, its alright, I guess.." Janus leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. After a moment, I heard him purr.

'Cute' I thought.

I've never seen him this relaxed before, it was peaceful. After a moment i stopped and his eyes opened, his face still red.

"Sorry.." he mumbled, "Lets go outside." He stood up, looking at me.

"Alright, lets go."

— — — —
Words: 797
Next chapter will be put soon!👌

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