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Being wrapped in a massive hug is the best feeling in the world, especially with family who I thought were dead. Aunt Patty brings us back to her house, where we all break away from the hug. Dirk's hand rests on my head, while he drapes his arm around my neck, putting me in a small headlock and chuckles. "We thought we'd never see you again, cous."

I laugh with him as he lets go. Looking at his face, his familiar jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes, his tall and strong build. He at one point used to tower over me. He's the very spitting image of his father. Dirk has always been a kind of older brother to me, seeing him alive especially, patches a sense of loss I've felt all these years. "That's what I thought about you guys," I tell him, before looking at my aunt and his identical twin sister. "You, Aunt Patty, and Darlene."

Darlene comes towards me, opening her arms as I walk in for another hug. She squeezes me tightly, and she rocks on her feet. "We're just glad you're okay." She smiles into my ear before the happy tone turns cold. "Her on the other hand." Letting go, I look back at Allison standing off by their living room couch.

Then I turn back to my cousins who are glaring at her. I stand in front of her. "Guys, this is Allison, she's a—" Dirk steps closer, fangs bearing. "We can smell what she is." He growls. But I push my hand to his chest keeping him away. "Knock it off, " I demand, he looks at me before pausing, and allowing his sister to pull him back. "Yes, she's a hunter, but she's not as bad as you think. She saved my life in the past, so if you don't like her that's too bad." I tell them before sighing. "Because both of us are in danger."

Aunt Patty gestures to the couch. I encourage Allison to sit beside me, as Aunt Patty and the twins sit across from us. "Danger, how?" She asks. "We've been attacked by rogues," I explain. "But they've partnered up, made their own pack under someone that we don't know yet. We've been chasing down leads, which is how we got here."

Leaning forward, I delve even deeper. "I've been attacked and almost killed for the status, and just a few hours ago, Allison's car was taken and used to nearly kill her. Even civilians have been killed wherever we go." Aunt Patty looks at me sympathetically, even looking over at Allison in the same manner. She reaches her hand out, taking mine that was resting on my knee. "I'm sorry, that the both of you had to go through something as horrible as this on your own."

Then she glances at Allison again. "Allison, right?" She nods scooting forward. "Yeah." Aunt Patty grins. "Thank you for keeping my nephew safe, why don't you come with me, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping tonight."

Getting up from their seat, they head over to the small staircase, Allison throwing a glance over her shoulder back at me. Something she never did before, but I can tell she's unsure. I nod, letting her know it's okay. Darlene comes and sits beside me, her brother watching them leave. "I don't trust her." His sister looks towards him. "You heard Brom, what kind of hunter would save a werewolf?" Dirk turns to me, taking his mother's seat. "You know we can't afford to trust her, Brom." He says convincingly. "We're in this mess because of them or did you forget?" 

Shaking my head at him, I shrug off his accusations. "Of course not, but do you honestly think I didn't go through every scenario at this point?" I explain. "I've been thinking it over and over, every single little thing. She's not like the rest of her kind." He sighs stressfully. "You haven't changed at all, still giving everyone the benefit of the doubt."

Once Aunt Patty and Allison come back, I change the subject. "Aunt Patty, is Uncle Leroy around?" At the mention of him, everyone's face drops. "I need him to teach me how to use the status, it's important." She shakes her head. "He's not here." She says. "Where is he then?" I ask her, confused. "He's dead, genius." Dirk growls angrily, before looking at me and pointing a finger at Allison. "Her kind killed him, while we were all trying to escape with our lives." Dropping his hand, and shaking his head, Dirk gets up and storms out of the room, Darlene rushing after him.

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