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Hempstead, driving down its rural streets, the meadows and fields breezing by gives a false sense of peace. "You going to stick your head out the window and relax anytime soon? Or are you still going to mope about the argument you had with Dirk?" Allison sighs.

I look over at her, and see how she has the window halfway rolled down as she leans against it. The wind from the window blows her scent towards me and I feel slightly relaxed. But I scowl at the comment. "I take it as option two." She says gazing back out the window. "Dirk and I simply have differences when it come to the family." I say still driving.
"No," she retorts, not even looking over at me. "You two are exactly the same."

"We have to go to Hempstead." I tell the rest of the group, after sitting down. The adrenaline in me fading away, once I realize that he was just continuing to tease me. "Are you crazy, Brom?!" Dirk disputes, walking towards the table and picking up the phone. "This freakshow wants us to go there. It'll be like walking into an obvious trap."

At the mention of 'freakshow,' Cesáreo looks away flinching. Taking notice, I walk towards him and place a hand on his shoulder. "He didn't mean it." I say. "I do mean it." Dirk says again, clearly angry. "We just pulled Vincent and Cesáreo out of one death trap, and you're the one putting us in this one!"

My teeth slowly grind as I take in the accusations, but the moment there's a break in his sentence, I speak up. "He knows where they are, Dirk!" I argue back. Breaking away from Cesáreo, and walking towards him. "Trap or no trap! He knows where our family is, and family always comes first!"

He doesn't hesitate to stand in my space, he looks down at me flashing his status. "Keeping us alive comes first! And you can't even keep yourself in one piece!" Because of the fact I can't channel my own status as much as he can, doesn't mean I'll back down from him. "I am doing my best to keep us together! Because I'm the alpha and not you!" I point into his chest.

He scoffs in my face. "That's rich, coming from a kid who didn't want anything to do with the status. Do you think just because you got lucky once or twice you can lead?"

"Don't you dare underestimate me, Dirk!" I shout and shove him. "I said we're going, and we're going. Period!" I declare, and just as he reaches out to grab me, Darlene comes in between us. Putting her hands on our chests to keep us away from each other. "Okay, Brom. Just quit fighting!"

At the mercy of his sister, Dirk backs away and so do I. He shakes his head, and points a stern finger at me. "Your dad didn't train you enough to lead. And while you're figuring it out, don't forget who you're going to get killed."

Dirk stomps out of the room, slamming the door behind him and making the room shake. Feeling the canines growing in my mouth, I look down and gaze at my hands, seeing the balled fists at my sides. Taking in a deep breath, I force it all away, then look up to the rest that are in the room with me.

Dirk is right, I'm not fit to lead, and as much as I hate admitting to it, I could cost them their lives. "Tonight, decide if you really want to stay." I tell them and turn away. "In the morning, if you're not here I won't take it personally. This is dangerous, so do yourselves a favor and leave if you want."

Even with Allison's blaring radio music, and wind coming in the window, the echoes of my words last night repeat over and over in my mind. When we woke up this morning, everyone was still there, the only person who didn't look like they had a choice but to be there, was of course Dirk.

I can only imagine what his mother told him, but all morning he couldn't even look at me without a scowl. I don't blame him, in the heat of things we could all say things we don't mean. But what I'm doing is what I know deep down in my gut, is what's right. It's what my dad would do.  Aunt Patty and I make plans over the phone, and decide we should camp out in the woods that seem to surround the area.

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