Ch 2: Cute

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*Roman's POV*

I open my eyes and look around at my half-decorated room and it's bright pastel-colored walls. I grab my phone to see the time is 5:30 am. I turn and sit up on the side of my bed and look around at the boxes full of all my things. One has some of my clothes, another has Disney and Broadway posters, another has musical costumes and props, and the rest just had more of my stuff. At least I was able to get my LED lights up yesterday, even if it was the only thing I did yesterday

"Ughhhh" I groan stretching. I get out of bed and grab some stylish clothing and all my morning things and head towards the bathroom. I jump into the shower and then go through my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, fixing my hair to look fabulous, doing a little bit of basic makeup, ya know the normal things.

I head out of the bathroom and back to my room. I throw mt clothes on the ground and all my things on the top of my dresser. I grab my school bag and head out of my room. To my surprise, I see Patton in the kitchen humming to himself and baking pancakes.

"Oh-uh morning!" I stumble out, "Didn't expect anyone to be up this early."

He turns around in surprise as well. "Oh well I work at a Bakery and I tend to have morning shifts so I'm always up this early, even if I'm not working." He smiles, "Why are you up this early?" He asks turning back towards the pancakes.

"I work at a high school as a Drama teacher. So ya know gotta be up and ready." I say heading towards the coffee machine. Thank god he has one.

"Wow! You're a Drama teacher!" He says in amazed moving the pancakes to a plate, "That must be fun, teaching the kiddos acting and all that!"

"Yeah, they're nice and talented kids. I've only taught for two years but so far they've all been good and talented. Can't wait to see them graduate and becomes actors and actresses." I say dazed taking a sip from my freshly made coffee.

"That's so sweet! Maybe some morning I'll bake some cookies for the kiddos." Patton says giving me a plate of pancakes. I thank him as I start to eat as quickly as I can without choking.

"They would love that. We are in the middle of working on the play for this year and most of the work is after school so a little snack is just what they would need." I say smiling at him.

"When I'm not working I'll stop by the school and drop them off for the kiddos!" Patton says smiling. I look at him, damn I didn't realize how cute he was. His smile is just so bright and his dirty-blonde hair is so fluffy, and those freckles just bring it all together. Holy shit he's fucking adorable.

"Is there something on my face?" He asks cocking his head.

"O-Oh no. Just got lost in thought." I say finishing up my pancakes and checking the time, "Ah I should be heading out now. Don't want to be late, the kids would kill me." We chuckle as I put my plate in the sink and head out the door, waving bye.

As I get to my car all I can think is how adorable that small boy is. This is going to be a problem.

As I get home from working on, sets, scripts, and just everything, I walk into that apartment and see that cutie, Patton sitting on the couch watching what sounded to be Finding Nemo. I drop my bags on a nearby chair. He turned his head over when he heard the door close.

"Hi!" He said in his bright cute cheering voice, "I left a plate of lasagna for you on the counter." I walk over to the counter and see two plates, one with my name on it and the other with 'Virgil' written on it. I grab my plate and a fork and walk over to the couch.

"Thank you," I say sitting down next to him, "You watching Finding Nemo?"

"Yeah, I tried to get Logan to watch it with me but he was to invested with his studies. It's a good movie though." He says a little disappointed. That made my chest hurt a bit.

"Well don't worry I'm here now! And of course, it is a good movie anything by Disney is good- no great movie!" I elaborate with my theater voice and being as overly extra as possible. It earns a good laugh from him and the pain in my chest lifts. We continue to talk while watching the movie. When it is over I put my dishes away and grab my bags and go into my room to finish decorating.

When I'm done I had my Broadway and Disney posters all hung up nicely across the walls, my clothes all put away in the dresser, my costumes and props put into the closest, and of course, my fabulous Gay Pride Flag hanging over my bed. Now I'm all unpacked and done.

I check the time to see it is 12:30 am and that I should go to bed, unlike my kids who love to stay up past 1 am and then complain about how they are tired. I grab some pjs, head to the bathroom, do my nightly routine, head back to my room, and collapse on my bed.

I drift to sleep with the thoughts of today and how that Patton guy is fricking adorable and how nice he is.

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