As A New Student

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' Hes quite good looking.. and funny! ..'

Its a new brand day for Samara and her sister, Camilla to their new school after the last semester ended. There'll be new things to learn, new teachers and most importantly new friends. That is what Samara thought.

Although she is already 15, the age where almost every teenagers experienced something called "Love", she had yet to find the one. She kept on imagining scenes and dreamt of doing what couples do such as, baking together, go on a date at an amusement park, watch movies and others.

She stared at her reflection on the mirror in her bathroom. Softly patting her cheeks with her palm, she smiled and said "I can do it!" to herself before slinging her black backpack over her shoulder and slipped her feet in her black shoes.

"Mama, we're gonna late on the first day to school, come on!" Camilla said to her mom as she looked at her pink watch. "Yo! Yo! Im coming!" Replied Mrs La Fleur while bringing her cup of coffee along.

"Hey, you didnt make one for me too?" Asked her husband. "You guys can drink a lot of coffee afterwards BUT not now! We need to go to school, please!" Cried Camilla when she saw her parents still enjoying their coffee like nothing happened.

Yes, their parents REALLY TRULY MADLY in love with the coffee. LOL. They already addicted as if it was drugs since they went to Starbucks near their home. At that time, their life changed like this. (kinda)

Mr & Mrs La Fleur


1. Get up

2. Make coffee

3. Drink coffee

4. Drink more coffee (oh yeah)

GOSH =_=

Camilla and Samara finally reached their school after their parents couldnt stand Camilla's crying and drove the car to school as fast as F1. Maybe as fast as lighting. "Thanks to Camilla that we finally reached the school at the perfect time!" Said Samara happily.

"Yup, and thanks to her too that we had to leave our precious coffee at home and I was fined by the policemen because of driving too fast!" Said their father, tried to be sarcastic.

Samara and Camilla then burst into a laughter. "We had to! Sorry~" Their parents just made a pokerface."Okay fine. We hope you guys make new friends here soon! Have fun!" Then Samara and Camilla hugged their parents and waved goodbye before they went in.

Samara and Camilla took their own way after that as they werent in the same house. Samara was in the purple house while her sister in the yellow house. After Samara has done registered her name to her housemaster, she just wandering around, clueless what could she do next.

Then she was poked by a tall chinese girl with short hair, wearing glasses. "Hi, are you new here? Im Angel Tan. I just got here too." Samara greeted her back with a sweet smile and nodded, "Yes! My name is Samara La Fleur, but you can just call me Samara. Btw, do you know where should we go next?"

"Um, Im not sure but you've got your timetable right?" Samara just nodded. Both of them checked with each other whether they got the same classes but unfortunately, they only can meet at the French class. Then they went to find their own way to the classes. "See ya!" Said Samara, waving to Angel before entering her History class.

Samara became friends with Sarah Kim as they sat next to each other in the History class. Mrs Sam, the History teacher asked Samara to introduce herself infront of the class before she started her class.

As the lesson start, Samara couldnt understand what have been taught. Yeah, actually she's not a kind of girl who is clever in all subjects especially in History and Maths!

She hates everything that involved calculation and memorising the facts but she's quite good in Arts and Drama! Thts why she TRULY MADLY in love with Arts! But hey, who doesnt loves art? I do! XD

After the class ended, Samara was just like, 'I couldnt understand anything!!' LOL. She looked at Sarah, and thought, 'Hmm, she looks like a clever and cool girl. I wish I could be like her.'

Poor Samara, she always imagine that she could be like somebody else without knowing that she would be better if she tried to be herself. Am I right, guys? :D

Samara made her way to her next class, 'Oh man, its Physics!' All of her spirits went down then. Haha. She saw many students went upstairs too as she took the stairs to level 3.

She sat between Carolina and Elena in the Physics class. They seemed so friendly to her and Samara felt so comfortable with them. 'Oh god, I hope that the Physics teacher would be kind and funny!' She wished, thinking about her last Physics teacher who is fierce as a lion. She just so scared and completely failed the test!

A few minutes later, a good looking man with black grey hair in aged around 40's came into the class. "Sorry guys, Im late. I had something to do just now. Do you miss me?" "Mr Jez!" All the students cherred happily.

He laughed, "So, how's holiday?" "Great! And yes, we miss you so much!" Said Molly, the girl with a ponytail. "I will be teaching you Physics for a while as the Principal still searching for a new Physics teacher. Is that alright?"

All the students nodded. Mr Jez gave a big smile when he saw Samara there, smilling at him back. "Well-well, it seems that we've got a new students here! Introduce yourself please." "My name is Samara La Fleur. I'm from France but I just moved here last week. Nice to meet you, sir."

"Nice to meet you too, dear. Well, Im Mr Jez and if you cant understand the lesson, dont be shy to ask me or other students, we would be pleasure to help you, okay?" Samara nodded with a smile. "Alright guys, shall we continue?"

Mr Jez is a good teacher. He never tired of answering any questions from the students. Samara felt that she would catch up his lesson easily and grateful that she got such a great and kind teacher.

Mr Jez then asked her a question when he realised that she never spoke yet since the lesson start at the beginning. "Samara, what's the answer for this?" Samara a little bit shocked and clueless to answer that question. "Um, uh .."

"The variable resistor!" "Good job! Wait, who'd said that?" Mr Jez asked when he realised it was a boy's voice. "Me, sir!" Said a boy with black hair, putting up his right hand, sitting at the back of Samara. "Oh Collin! Next time let Samara answers the question, alright?" Mr Jez sighed.

"Sorry sir, I just wanna help her." He laughed. "Nah, you're not. You just want everybody's attention." Said another boy with blond hair, sitting next to him. "Well bro, thats my style .." He replied. Then all the students laughed including Samara and Mr Jez.

Samara wanted to see the boy's face sitting behind her but she was scared and shy. She never turned back until the end of the lesson. Mr Jez called Collin to meet him for a while and finally she saw that guy's face.

' Hes quite good looking.. and funny! Thanks for helping me, Collin!' She smiled.

Ps. How's my story? Was it good? Im sorry if I made many grammartical mistakes here! Leave me a comment and dont forget to rate this if you love to! :D Thank you! *bows*

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