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'It wasnt my fault. I think it just her. She supposed to avoid the ball ..'

The next morning, Samara and her sister, Camilla went out together to the park near their house to do some excercises.

Samara was already with her earphones and mp3 where she kept all of her favourite songs together. She just couldnt jog even for a while without any music to be heard.

After finished about 3 rounds, she rested for a while. She stared at her sister, busy playing with her phone happily. "Hey, you didnt even jog, arent you?"

Without looking at Samara's face, Camilla just shook her head while playing with her phone. " Im too lazy for it."

"Ugh. U supposed to do some exercises. It keeps u healthy and fit. And u even told me before tht u wanted to lose some weight,right? Then u need to jog!" Samara keeps advising her little sister.

 Camilla sighed and said, "Mybe next time.I dont feel like jog right nw bcause I feel so depressed. Actually, I have a problem with one of my friends and her nme is Serena."

"Why? Whats wrong? Whats wrong with her?" Samara asked.

"She .. umm, I dont exactly understand her. I mean, she always mkes me feel uncomfortable and sad. When we played basketball before, she accidentally bounced the ball towards me until I fell down. But she nver says sorry for tht. It just so .. stupid. I think she hates me." Camilla expressed her deep feelings to Samara.

"Oh gosh! Really? She seemed so horrible to u! U should talk to your teacher bout this. Mybe he can help u. Dont worry bout this, alright? We'll settle this soon together. I promise." Samara said to her sister and then both of them walked home.



The cute blond tried to keep up with her energetic brother, but her awkward gait was nothing on the sweet smiling angel who was quickly disappearing into the shades of crimson and auburn ahead of her. Andrew skipped down the narrow lane, his heels happily kicking up the forgotten leaves and he turned swiftly on his heels.

“You’re so slow, dear!” he scolded playfully as he tugged on his sister's jacket, just as he finally closed the huge distance between them. He giggled childishly, patted his little sister's head and they sat down, had a break.

"Its not fair, Andrew! U are so much taller than me though and even quicker than me! Thats why I couldnt get that ball." Said Serena, Andrew's little sister.

"Awh. Tht just so sad." He laughed. Serena narrowed her eyebrows and started to sulk with him.

"Gosh, are u mad with me? Okay then, Im sorry. I'll give u a chance to hve the ball again next time, alright?" He smiled while patting her sister's back.

"Ugh. Whatever." She rolled up her eyes.

"How's your PE last week? Did u guys play any interesting sports?" Andrew asked Serena before drinking some water from his water bottle.

"Nice! We played basketball though and my teacher even praised me for my skills and said that Im such a great player!" She told proudly.

"Wow, really?! Thts my proud little sister! I knew that u can do it!" He showed a thumbs up while smiling.

"Thanks to u too because you're the one who always teach me, right?" She smiled. "Hahaha, of course!" He said. And both of them laughed together.

"You're waiting for Jane, arent you?" Andrew asked.

"Yup. We're gonna play football together afterwards." She replied.

"Alright then. Have fun!" He waved to her sister before going away. "Oh, and one more thing Serena tht u need to know bout every sports game --"


"-You need to greet the other players nicely and dont forget to help and apologise to them if u accidentally hurt them, alright? Can u promise me this?"

Serena glued for a while and she just nodded.

"Good." He smiled then went away.

Serena stayed there and remembered when she accidentally hurt her classmate, Camilla before without helping her or even seeked apologise to her.

'It wasnt my fault. I think it just her. She supposed to avoid the ball. It just a small accident, so it wasnt my fault anyway.' She said to herself, full of egoistic.

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