Lonely struggles.

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It was a Monday on the beginning of December, and it was also lunch. I hated having a break; because I wasn’t comfortable, or no. I should be honest. I wasn’t welcome to sit on the same table as Stiles and Malia. Scott and Kira kept persuading me to sit with them, but I don’t have any energy to have my soul torn apart by hearing Stiles yell at me, or telling me Malia doesn’t want me to sit with them.
“Lydia, are you okay?” Kira asked. I didn’t even notice that I have a shower of tears forming in my eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’ll be back in a bit” I took my purse and ran in the bathroom as fast as I could. I just made sure no one was in there first… I sat on top of the sink, and faced the mirror with my legs crossed. I felt like a child, not knowing what to do with herself, not knowing how to stand up for herself, or how to find courage. I was that child. No self confidence, no social happiness. I’ve been really upset recently, going to school, being miserable, coming home, crying all day. Every day. I heard Kira come in calling my name.  She opened up and gave me a really long hug. She didn’t say anything. Just gave me a hug, a tissue and a smile. She’s been really supportive recently. She and Scott are really the only ones. Like I said before, it’s still hard… Allison.
Kira went out the door as I was applying makeup below my eyelids. As I was doing so, I overheard Kira talking to Scott. “I’ve never seen her like this before. I feel so bad. I can’t do anything… I just. Don’t know what to do.” He said.
“Scott, if you noticed, she hasn’t been sitting or talking to any of us. Maybe she doesn’t feel comfortable around us. I would understand why. You know.” With that I could hear no on more conversation, I bet he pulled her in for a hug or something.
I remembered that we didn’t have any lessons next, just prep, and I couldn’t be in school any longer. So I slammed the doors open, and ran. I heard Scott call my name, and someone else too. I kept running. I didn’t even know where I was going. I don’t know how… but I ended up at Allison’s grave.

 So I decided to sit down with her and talk. I actually do that a lot. I told her what’s going on, about Scott and Kira, and lastly I got to Stiles and Malia.  “To be honest, I think everyone’s drifted apart. Sties thinks it all his fault, and your dad, he’s taking this so hard. Since you moved to Beacon Hills all he did was protect you: against Scott, against Werewolves, against everything, but in the end he couldn’t save you. Not of us could; and I think that’s what’s bothering Scott the most. He promised you that he’d keep you safe, and he couldn’t. I can’t imagine how he feels. Stiles was right. Your death didn’t only happen to you, it happened to us all. We had to stand at your funeral thinking how the hell we’re supposed to go on with our lives, without you in it. Allison. I can’t. I can’t do this anymore. I need you. The others don’t… understand. The only person who would understand is Scott, and I can’t talk about you with Kira around. She’s great don’t get me wrong, but you are, and always will be Scott’s first love. And a first love is hard to forget. Actually, I guess it isn’t. Stiles seemed to forget about me in a flash. All he does is talk about or hang around Malia. God, she steams me up; I remember when Stiles came running after me at the dance, and he said he’d rather die then see me die. Then he came to the hospital and stayed, even when they asked him to go” giggling, I went on  “ He didn’t leave, he brought me balloons and when he heard me scream he was the first person in the room to come get me, and he was the one of found me, running around the woods, he was always there. Even when I thought there was something in the school, which there wasn’t, he said if I wanted to, he’d go and look all night for me. All he does now is wave at me from the other end of the corridor. Malia told him not to talk to me, so he doesn’t, at all. This is why I need you. I need someone who would listen to me without judging. The thing is, I feel this special connection with Stiles, like… a Tether; he doesn’t even notice me anymore, and I need to talk about this, who am I ganna talk to, Malia? No. I just.” I was becoming over whelmed” Allison, I need you, I need you right now, to look at me and tell me to breathe, because I can’t.. Right now” I couldn’t breathe! Tears form in my eyes, but not only tears of sadness, but tears of pain, my heart was aching; talking about how lonely I am, and Stiles, and talking to a dead Allison was ripping me to pieces. “Allison if you don’t come back right now, I swear I’m coming to you…Allison” I kept rocking myself back and forth, like Katniss, when the jabberjay’s were making her ears bleed for hours. Everything was crumbling down. I was looking at Allison’s grave stone, when I hear something in the background. I’m not in the mood for some supernatural thing jumping out to kill me right now. I slowly get up to two different noises from opposite sides.  One sounds like…whimpering. So, I move back a little and close my eyes. When I open them, I’m stood in front of a tree to see who was crying.

“Scott?” there was someone else too. My face hardens, and my mouth drops open.


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