An Encounter with the Ghost Crew

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Hello my readers and fellow writers, I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend. I've been hearing people say that now that the weather is warming up, the Coronavirus will go dormant. But I still say we should still keep doing precautions either way to keep us all safe and healthy. (This chapter is off of the Star Wars Rebels, The Siege of Lothal.)

Lita was currently on Lothal at the Imperial Complex or as it was also referred to as, the Imperial Command Center, walking with Vader to meet with Agent Kallus and Minister Maketh Tua to discuss plans dealing with a group of rebels. The Emperor was having growing concern of the rise of rebel activity, so he sent Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin to Lothal to deal with the growing with rebellion. Lita didn't pay too much attention to everything that was being said because she found it tedious. Why did she and Vader have to get involved in it? Couldn't Tarkin take care of it himself? If not, then why couldn't the Emperor go to Lothal to help him? And did he always order Vader to do all the work while he sat on his butt on Coruscant? If the Emperor is all the powerful why doesn't he do things himself?

"Why can't the Emperor take care of this?" Lita asked her father as they were walking.

"I told you that the Emperor is busy with things on Imperial Center," Vader responded.

"You mean Coruscant?" Lita comments furrowing her eyebrows, "As if sitting around in his palace is so exhausting."

While Vader was amused by the girl's mouthy words of the Emperor, he knew it would cause trouble if anyone else were to hear. "Lita, do not speak that way of the Emperor," Vader scolded firmly.

"But you feel the same way too Father," Lita points out.

"That is of no matter if someone were to hear, it could create serious problems," Vader replies firmly, "Now come, Agent Kallus is expecting us and put your hood up."

Lita just sighed and put the hood of her cloak over her head as she followed her father. When they got to a room they were hearing a man and a woman arguing.

"Well I've doubled patrols, set up checkpoints, established curfews," Minister Tua's voice said, "I honestly don't know what else to."

"Perhaps that is the problem," Vader responds as he and Lita came in, "You lack imagination, Minister, when it comes to producing results."

"Lord Vader, with all due respect, you and Governor Tarkin are asking for miracles," Minister Tua admits. "If the rebels have left Lothal, then..."

"If the rebels have left, then we must draw them back," Darth Vader replies, "And if they are here, we must draw them out, we will squeeze Lothal until someone reveals the whereabouts of these traitors."

"I'm sorry, my lord," Minister Tua responded. "I am merely a public official I have no experience with such brutal tactics."

"You can explain that to Governor Tarkin when you visit him," Darth Vader said to her.

"Visit him?" Minister Tua asks nervously.

"He expects you tomorrow, to account for your failure," Darth Vader states as he walks away with Lita following.

"But I, I'm needed here!" Minister Tua said. "I-I couldn't possibly get away!"

"Not to worry, Minister," Agent Kallus assured as he followed Vader and Lita out of the room. "Lord Vader and I will manage in your absence."

Once they left the room, Vader turned to Agent Kallus, "Make sure that Minister Tua arrives at her shuttle safely," his voice boomed, "We can never be too careful when it comes to security these days."

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