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"My Best guess is we have 11 months. Days. 11 days." Alpha finishes

"If we are the Power Rangers and this is our ship. If I walk through that door will open for me?" Trini asks

"yes, of course" zordon answered

"come on let's go" she said

I stayed behind with Jason because I still had a couple questions for example why us like you could've picked anybody in the world and the coins choose us Jason was just about to leave when zordon said

"Jason my ranger team died defending the Crystal from Rita" zordon says

"How do you know my name" Jason asks

"Because it's you Jason Scott you are the leader you are The red ranger" zordon answered I was Jason turned around and I looked at the sphere in the middle of the platforms it turned red and showed a hologram of the red ranger then it turned green and showed a hologram of the green ranger "Rita was a Ranger too and my friend but she betrayed us wanted more power she lost her way now she's just pure evil" he said as I walked beside Jason "you and Shelby must bring them back all of the rangers. You must train your team to find Rita before she has the power to find the Crystal"

"Ok, I'm leaving and I only speak for myself-" zordon cut Jason off as he was walking away

"No you speak for all of them! You know that deep down what I'm saying is true. You were born for this." Zordon said as Jason walked off

"Umm excuse me what did you mean when you told Jason, me and him must bring all of them back." I asked

"Shelby you are the gold ranger, Jason can't make all decisions on his own so you will be his guidance and support. Before you my wife was the gold ranger she helped me make most decisions." He answered

"Ok, well I'm gonna leave because Jason was my ride home so see ya tomorrow" I said as I left

"You all waited, even you who are you?" Jason asked

"Her names trini, she's been at School for a month we have English together." Kim said

"I've been at Angel Grove for over a year now we have biology together. Good talk." Trini quipped

"Wait, look none of us really know each other" Jason said

"But some how we were all in the same place at the same time when billy found those coins." I finished

"I have a question are we really superheroes. Are we more like Iron Man or are we more like Spiderman. Because I feel like I've been bit by spider but I feel really good" Billy said before he got cut off by Zack

"Listen dude you're not a superhero" Zach said

"Why are you talking to us like your the boss now?" Trini asked

"Ok hold up can any of this Rita stuff be real?" Kim asked

"So you don't believe a person exists even after we found a spaceship, a talking robot and an alien in a wall?" I asked

"I don't know, but I know that the answer to what's wrong with us. Into what's happening to us is here." Jason said

"I think we gotta come back I can't force you to come back here but at 4 o'clock tomorrow I will be here" I said as I jumped back on to the cliff


Jason was dropping me off at home when he asked me this

"So you're really going back tomorrow?" He asked me

𝑵𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒈𝒐 (𝑱.𝑺.)Where stories live. Discover now