𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑤

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Jason POV

I looked up and saw Shelby with her finger over her lips "Shelby?" I asked "how'd you get in here?"

"I'm a superhero. And you left the window open." Shelby told me

"Is everything ok? What's wrong?" I asked

"I think I'm the reason we can't morph. I haven't exactly been honest, Kim didn't punch ty I did." She said

"Why?" I asked

"He told me I was the meanest person he'd ever met. Which is true."

"Hey, look at me you are the funniest, nicest, smartest and most beautiful person I've ever met. And who cares what he thinks?"

"I do. Because of me Kim has detention because if I got in trouble again I would've been expelled but she took the blame and now I feel terrible.and-and it's like I-" I cut her off

"She chose to do that not you, ok. It was her choice." I said as I sat up and looked in her hazel eyes and we both leaned in and as our eyes fluttered shut we kissed it felt like our lips were molded to fit together. Her hand caressed my cheek as mine tangled into her chocolate brown hair. I pulled her closer to me, but soon she pulled away.

"Wait, what are we exactly?" She asked

"How about this I'll be your boyfriend and you be my girlfriend?" I responded

"I would like that." She said and as she leaned back in, but the moment was ruined when we both got a text


"So we all got the same text where is she?" Shelby asked as we walked up to everyone at the football stadium

"I'm here" trini said as she walked over to us "look Rita came to my house tonight. Yeah she's real...insane. She nearly killed me. She was trying to get me to join her, said she would spare my life if I could keep a secret."

"What's the secret?" Zach asked

"At dawn the destruction of angel grove begins." Trini answered

"This is real. This is the end." Kim said

"No it's not, where is she?" I asked

"She said to meet her where the dead ships live." Trini said

"Ok, that's the boat yard by the docks right? Let's go." I said as I walked up a couple of steps Shelby following me "are you serious no one but Shelby"

"Jason we aren't even power rangers yet."  Trini replied

"I say we go back to zordon"
Billy said

"Hell no, the only reason he wanted us to become power rangers is so he can come back to life." Shelby said walking down a few steps

"How do you know?" Billy asked

"Because he told us." I sad standing beside Shelby holding her hand

"Wait so this all is a lie?" he asked

"Of course it was a lie billy. We failed let's stop being delusional about being a team of super hero's. We're all screw-ups. And as much as I hate this scrubby bullshit town...I don't wanna just sit around and watch it die ok?" I say looking at everyone

"Let's go and do the one thing asked of us and kill Rita." Shelby said

"You know this is a really bad idea right?" Kim said

"the worst. Let's vote, show of hands." I said First Trini, Kim, Zach, me and Shelby and finally billy


We all walked In to the boat yard finding weapons to use

"Let's go" I whispered "Kim and Trini take the left, Zach and billy take the right." I said as we ran in front of this guy in a chair we thought was Rita.

"Untie him, hold him hold him" Zach said Then Rita jumped down sending a shock wave knocking us down and killing the old guy

"Right on time. I was beginning to think you were too dumb to know where the dead ships live. Let's play" Rita told us as Trini threw her pick axe but Rita dodged it last second Then Shelby charged at her only to be knocked down. I ran up to her and we kept fighting until she made a bigger shock wave to knock us out then she tied us up "6 little rangers tied up like fish. The leader? Oh, hello red." She said as I head butted her

"Don't touch him!" Shelby yelled

"Aww, are you afraid I'm gonna hurt your little boyfriend. Well tell me where the zeo crystal is and maybe I won't." She said looking at me when she said the last part

"We don't know where it is." I told her

"No! Red you don't know but one of you does. Who could it be?" She said walking down the line "eenine, meenie, mynie...blue. Loyal,pure of heart. Tell the class what you know! Where is my crystal." She demanded but billy didnt say anything "you can tell me now blue or you can tell me after I kill all of your friends...let's start with black." Then she started sucking the life right out of Zach

"He doesn't know where it is!" Shelby yelled then Rita put her staff down and walked over to her

"Ah, of course gold knows where it is. So where is my crystal!" She yelled putting her staff to Kim's neck "she dies in 3...2...1-"

"Ok, ok just-just don't hurt my friends." Shelby said "it's at a Dining establishment."

"Where what's that mean. What's it called?" Rita asked/demanded

"It's a Krispy Kreme." She told her

"Krispy Kreme. This must be a special place." Rita said earning a "very special." From Shelby "it must be the source of life it self is buried there. Thank you gold for being so weak." She said walking away "zordon would lose all respect for me if I don't kill you at least one of you."

"What?" Trini asked confused

Then Rita pointed her staff at Shelby and hit her with some kind of energy and dropping her in the water "Shelby!" I yelled scared of losing her. I tried to get out of the ropes but it didn't work. Then her rope tightened and it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest

"Ha! Your not ready to kill me. Your not worthy." Rita said walking away and dropped her staff to the ground releasing us. We pulled her out of the water and her eyes were still shut I knelt down beside her and tried to find a pulse. "Hey Shelby look at me open your eyes please baby please." I didn't even notice I was crying

"Jason, is there a pulse." Kim asked I looked for one but didn't find it

To be continued...

I hope you liked it
Love you ❤️ bye
Word count: 1098

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