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Hinata's POV

Dad: Hey you little bitch. Guess what? I have your pretty little sister. She likes to cry when I'm inside her. Just like you. Your mom is, well, dead. Had her killed. I have some friends who have eyes on you right now, and won't mind killing more people like that raven haired boy. Or maybe I could just have you watch as I slowly hurt them. Won't that be fun? Tell no one about this. You do, and you'll experience more pain then before. I'll be seeing you soon.

 I close my phone, and sit down. Kageyama shoots me a questioning look and I motion for him to leave. He hesitates, then leaves. I pulls my knees up to my chest, and tuck my head. How did he fucking find me? Better yet, is he actually going to hurt my friends? I shiver. I hope not. I try to stand up, but I'm shaking so much that I fall back down. The air leaves my body, and I can feel another panic attack coming. I curl up into a ball, and wait for the torture to end. Someone knocks on the door, but I barely hear them. I gasp for breath, and someone comes in. 

 "Shoyo!" Kenma yells. He runs to my side. "Shoyo what's wrong?! You're turning blue! I don't know what to do!" he looks around nervously. "Shoyo, I'll be right back okay? Hang in there."

 I try to nod, but instead I shiver. It's cold. I continue to gasp for air, and tears start to fall.

 "Hinata!" Suga shouts. My vision starts to dull. "Hinata breathe! Breathe!" he yells.

 I try to force my eyes open, but they're not listening. Everything goes black, and the cold swallows me. 

Kageyama's POV

 Suga, Daichi, Kuroo, and I are walking to the gym when we hear fast footsteps. 

 "Help!" Kenma yells. We all turn, and he's gasping and holding his chest.

 "Kenma, what's wrong?" Kuroo runs straight to his side.

 "Not. Me," he gasps. "Hinata."

 Suga takes off, and so do I. I can hear Kuroo asking Kenma what happened but all I already know. Suga yanks the door open, and Hinata is curled into a ball in the corner, and turning blue. 

 "Hinata!" Suga yells. He runs to him, and I follow. "Hinata breathe! Breathe!" he screams. 

 His eyes are glassed over, but then he looks straight into my eyes. Then, he collapses. 

 Suga leans down, and counts his heartbeats. He turns to me. "Get Ukai!" I nod, and sprint out of the room, almost hitting Kuroo and Kenma. Don't leave me. Come on, Hinata. Fight. I burst into the gym, and everyone turns to stare at me.

 "Coach!" I pant. "Hinata had another panic attack!" He stands up with a worried look on his face.

 "Where?" he asks.

 "In the dorms," I reply. I get on a knee, and try to catch my breath. He races out and Kiyoko follows him with a medic kit. Everyone is now chattering nervously, the game forgotten. I stand up again and run out of the gym. By the time I make it back to the dorms, Hinata is awake again. He's covered in a blanket, and I can see him looking around uncomfortable. His eyes meet mine, and I can see the pain that he's trying to cover up. 

 "Give him room," I say, and everyone takes a step back. Suga places a hand on my shoulder.

 "We'll leave you guys to talk." I nod, and fall next to him. Everyone leaves the room, and then it's just me and him. 

 "You wanna tell me what happened?" I ask, searching his eyes.

 "N-no," he says, looking away first. 

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