Best Friend?

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I don't understand who would dare to enter into my room without my concern. I know mom and dad never tried to sneak into my room. Then who can it be?

My books which I placed according my favorites were replaced according to the sizes. The photo frames which were placed according to memories were placed in a row wise as if standing in some assembly. The posters of my favorite actors and singers were also not there in their original places.

Anger seeped into my body. Who the fuck might have done this? I was cut off from my thoughts by my favorite Lizah.

" So how do you like your room now? I had made few changes I hope you may like them. I know you were the one who cleaned and cleared the guest room for me so I thought it would be cool if I can help you like this " she said scanning the room and I can see that she is quite proud of her work she had done. Listening to her words my anger increased more and I don't want to do something which I may regret afterwards. I know she is our guest and my parents wouldn't like if I disrespect her. So I just bit my tongue to stop all the swear words trying to come out.

" I am really tired Lizah and if you don't mind I would be happy if you could go right now and leave me alone " I said with much calm tone so that's she will not catch the anger behind my words.

She left from there with a brief 'okay' and I closed the door and sat on the floor with my back facing the door and stared at my room which felt like a foreign place. Tears started to form when I didn't find the frame of mine with my parents and mine with Rian which would always be at the bedside table. I found it placed somewhere placed between the remaining photo frames.

I got up slowly and freshened up. As I came back to room after refreshing, I thought of cleaning the room but I had an assignment to complete. I thought it would be late if I start cleaning the room so I thought to complete my assignment so that I can clean the room during night.

With that thought I settled on my bed and started with my assignment. I don't know how long I was doing but I saw that many books where scattered on my bed and my laptop was on my lap. I was almost done with the assignment when I heard the knock on my room. Without thinking twice I said " Come in " and my mom stepped in with a surprised look on her face.

She sat at the edge of the bed and sighed heavily coz I was not uttering any word and I was staring at her.

" Why didn't you come down for dinner sweetie? " she asked but her eyes were still on the room around and I was observing her every move.

" I had an assignment to complete " I replied calmly.

" Your room looks... different " here comes the important matter but I was silent looking around my own room.

" Did you like it mom? " I asked. " Well if you ask me your room was great before coz every teenagers' room is supposed to be like that. Messed up with piles of books scattered, messy wardrobe, not properly arranged photo frames etc. But I am surprised...when did my daughter became an adult to keep her room clean? " she asked with a mischievous grin on her face but paled when she saw my face.

" Did I say something wrong Jassy? " she asked keeping her hand on my shoulder and I shook my head in no.

" Actually its Lizah who had done this and when I came into room I was shocked and I didn't know who did until she showed up and told herself." I explained her. She shook her head.

" I didn't know she could do this. I will just tell her not to enter into your room in my way so that she could understand better. Now come on its late you should eat something and I am damn sure you didn't eat anything since you came from school " she scolded me.

" No mom actually I am good you don't worry about me. I don't want to eat anything and I should complete this assignment as well " I said and saw her getting upset but somehow she covered up.

" Fine your wish. I will keep the food in fridge if you are hungry eat it. Okay? " she said and kissed my forehead and left.

She stood at the door and turned back " You owe an explanation to your dad for not eating dinner with him " she said and I nodded my head slowly and started with my assignment.

After half an hour I was done and closed all the books. I thought of sleeping but I don't want to sleep without arranging my things. I started to keep all the things in their original places and I was happy that mom was going to tell her not to enter into my room.

I groaned internally when I was done arranging all the things and the time was half past twelve. I washed my face and went down to eat something. I took an apple and started eating it. While I was climbing the stairs, I heard someone giggling and talking but my parents' room was downstairs who would it be?

Is it Lizah? If it's she I don't care at all.

I slumped on my bed and saw my phone and there were few messages from which one was from Rian. I sighed and replied him regarding the shopping plan on weekend and slept off.

In the morning I had breakfast avoiding talking to Lizah and left to school. I have to go to Flio's house on Saturday so I should confirm with him about it.

" Hey! So you are tutoring me on this Saturday right? " I asked him and he just nodded his head. He used to talk to me whenever we met but today, he is silent and from his facial expressions I can say that he was angry on something rather someone. Early in the morning I don't think anyone could annoy him.

Is it at his house? I shrugged the thoughts away and went to class.

Classes went very fast today and I was more than happy to have my lunch. Everyone sat at the table and I was surprised that Flio was waiting for me by the canteen and asked to join us during lunch. I don't know why he wanted to join us coz he has his own friends circle with whom he usually does his lunch but now he wanted to have lunch with us. Weird I thought but agreed though.

We were all having fun during lunch and I am happy that Flio too made certain attempt to talk to Iya, Wills and Joe. He even smiled few times when Wills made fun of Iya as how she skips eating saying fitness and all stuff.

My phone was ringing and I answered it without checking coz I was almost breathless laughing non-stop " Hello " I said controlling my laughter.

" Jass its me. How are you? " then I realized it was Rian calling. I was very happy that he called me coz its been few days since I called him and I had been just texting him only few times.

" Oh my God Rian. How have you been? How can I be fine without you? " I yelled happily at the first sentence and pouted at the last words as if he could see me.

" What happened Jass? Are you alright? I thought you were okay. Oh my god I thought you were just busy and now I understood why you were not calling me " I know till now Rian might have been freaking out. I rolled my eyes at his care and the whole people sitting on the table were staring at me including Flio whose eyes were slightly narrowed.

" Rian can we talk later? I mean I am at school and will call you after school. Okay? " I said.

" Okay Jass. Take care. " he replied and I just smiled and disconnected. As soon as I cut the call it was Iya who burst me with questions.

" Who is this Rian? Is he your boyfriend? Why am I even asking you that? we all can see how you were smiling talking to him " she said with a huge grin and I rolled my eyes at how easily she imagined Rian to be my boyfriend.

All the people on the table were eyeing me carefully expecting me to answer " He is my best friend from my old school " I shrugged.

" Oh really then why did you say that you were not fine without him? Hmm.. sure he is your best friend? " it looked like she questioned rather than stating him as my best friend.

" Umm.. I have to go to the library. See you " with that Flio too left without turning.

So do you agree with Jassy's mom about teenagers' room or you prefer a perfect room?( Do comment)

Do you think Fillano was upset hearing Jassy talking to Rian?

Till then... Bye😊 

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