when you dont know if she likes you

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"will she like this shirt?"
"will she notice my new haircut?"
"Should I ask her out for coffee?"

Many such questions keep haunting you when you really like someone and wish that the other person has the same felling for you. This imagine goes out to all the confused guys who are still wondering if she likes them.

Niall :- (talking funny things in Spanish)
You :- ( laughing so hard that your white cheeks had become red) Niall stop it...... !
Niall :- (still talks funny jokes in Spanish)
You :- ( so laughing that's you'll cum) Niall stop.... Haha.... I just come (still laughing)
By saying this you got up form the table where everyone was sitting for their lunch break, and went to get some fresh air.

Zayn :- (bending towards Niall) Don't you think she was flirting with you?
Niall :- No Zayn we are just friend!!
Liam :- Can't say, cause she was the one who was laughing the most.
Niall :- You eat your food man!! Shh she came!
You :- (stilll laughing) Niall that was the most funnist thing that I have ever heard.
Niall was smiling in his mind.... Was she really flirting with me?, she is cute!!!

*at tonight's party*
Niall :- Hi (y/n)
You :- (didn't look at him) Hi
Niall cleans all the waste that was near him by pushing it towards Harry who was sitting at a liitle distance from him .
Harry :- WTF bro.
Niall :- Shhhhhhhh.
You came and sat beside Niall.
Why did she say besides me, Niall says in his mind and looks here and there.
Niall :- (thinks in his mind)There is so much place in the room...... She could have sat near Selena also.....maybe I should start a conversation.
He removed his glasses glasses that be was wearing and tugged it on his shirt collar and brushes back his blonde hair.
Before he could start the conversation you said inbetween.
You :- You know isn't this like the perfect spot.
Niall smiles shyly. He extended his hand to put it in your shoulder but then you said...
You :- Not to cold not too hot, and food is right here and I can watch TV also.
You looked at Niall as what he was doing....
Niall :- Umm the light here is so beautiful haha (makes a sad face)
You :- Yeah (continues to watch the TV)
Louis :- (laughs mocking Niall)

*next day in the college*
You come and again sit beside him, by placing a hand on his shoulder.
Niall sees the place where you though and thinks.... Man this is the third time she touched my arm. One in the party while leaving and another yesterday when we were taking..... Aaaaa I think... Does that mean.
Louis was staring next to you, you wanted some notes from him so you touched his arm too.
Niall :- (thinks in his mind) oh no.....im not the only one she touched everyone's hand.... (cries in Irish) Why am I so lonely

*next day in the elevator*
She is standing so close to me. Niall thinks in his mind. You both look at each and do nothing but smiles.
Niall's continues thinking; She could have also gone to the left. (shyly) I think she feels safe around me. Now she is standing close to me, then my life then my bed... On no what!?
Niall :- This was bit too much.
You :- Sorry?
Niall :- Umm... My floor has come.
You looked at him in an confused manner.
In this Niall just laughed and said :- Haha my floor.
And went toward his room.

*next day at the canteen*
You were waiting in the counter for your coffee.
Niall :- Hi
You :- (yawning) Hi!
Niall :- One coffee plz.
Niall :- (thinking in his mind) she is looking so cute.
You :- (thinking in her mind) I'm so hungover. (lightly pulling your hair)
Niall :- (thinking in his mind) Aww now she is playing with her hair. Woah Woah...wait I have heard that when girls play with their hair, then she is interested in you.
Your coffee arrived.
Niall :- Lis-
You :- (took your coffee) Bye.
And walks from their.
Niall turns around and says in his mind; Niall If she is really interesting in you then she will turn around.
Niall also turns around and an imaginary guitar in his hand.
Niall :- (slowly) Turn around.
*you were still waking*
Niall :- Turn around.
*still walking, took a sip*
Niall :- Ugh turn around.
*still walking*
Then you stop at the door, you finally turn around.
Niall :- Yay Yay wo-Ho she turned around yaya.
You :- (frustrated) he forgot to put sugar in my coffee man! What man?!
Niall :- (feels like banking himself form the guitar)

*That night at home*
Niall checked his hike messenger app, there he saw ; (y/n) has added you as a friend.
Niall :- OMG she wants to talk to me even more. (exited)
Niall again went to his imagination where he is texting you love messeges.
With the excitement he opnes your chats and sees what.... It's a group chat named JUYS JUYS, Niall checked further he saw that it had 960 people in the group.
Niall :- WTF the entire college is in this group.
Again cries in Irish.
It's looks like this time I'm gonna die alone...!

*the next morning at college*
You were sitting sad, in one corner of the corridor. You pass by you saw his and say hi in a very sad voice, Niall sits beside you.
Niall :- (y/n) what happened? Why are you so sad.
You :- It's nothing, I'm okay!
Niall :- (insisting) Tell me what's wrong?
You at first hesitate but then you finally tell him.
You :- (in a weak voice) my attendance is very low in economics. (pause) and I'm just scared that they won't let me take the exam.
Niall :- (y/n) don't worry that's not gonna happen, okay?
You :- But I know for a-
Someone pass by so you both quite down.
You :- i----- plz don't tell anyone, I don't want to make a fuss about it.
Niall :- (y/n) I know economics sir, he isn't so strict that he won't--
You :- But sir isn't lisning to me--
By saying this you put your head on his shoulders. You were crying.....tears were shedding.
Niall :- (thinks in his mind) it fells good when she shares her felling with me.

*during economics class*
You keep staring at him the whole class, sometime niall thinks that you are staring at him when he used still turn around you, you used to turn around reflexly.
And again and again you don't know why your attention was always gone towards him, Niall knew that you were looking him him, and now he just used to smile, thinking that maybe you like him a liitle bit. And now you used to get nervous around him, his presence made you fell good.

*after the class*

Zayn :- Go man!! Go get her!
Naill :- (shy) No man.. It's -- no
Harry :- Come on bro, I had to be a garbage man for you.
Louis :- What? Niall you made him a garbage----!
Niall :- No lis--
Liam :- Mr. Horan you have 1 sec to run.
Louis :- (angrily) Commander Kevin.. Target shoot on my sight.
Kevin :- Roger that!!!
Niall :- Nooooooo.

You were taking out books from your locker...
You :- What are they doing there?!

Liam :- Run Niall.. Run Niall.
Niall running in full speed.

You :- Why is Niall running in slow motion and who is Louis taking to? Never mind.

*When Niall finally reached you*
Niall :- (breathing heavily) Hey!
You :- Hi!
*akward silence*
Niall :- Oh yeah (y/n) you wanted this book?(he removes his bag to take out the book that you wanted)
You : oh ya (a big smile on your face) I always wanted this book for so long, thank you so much Niall!
You :- Niall you remembered that's so sweet of you!
You both talked a little and again went toward the elevator. Still a big smile on your face. You were reading that book.
Niall :- (thinks in his mind) She looks so happy.
He gave a thumbs up to his friends who were standing there.
*inside the elevator*
You :- OMG this so amazing.
Niall :- (dreamily) I wish we were dating.
You :- What?
Niall :- No!
You :- Ya, you said something!
Niall :- No
You :- Yes you did?! Ya.
Niall :- Actually... Umm
You were getting red as you were blushing so hard.
Niall :- I was wondering if you would go for a dinner with me? (pause) if you're free!
You :- Let's go now.
Niall :- (a big smile on his face)
You :- That's of you're free?
Niall :- Us I'm free, I'm free. Okay
You :- Okay.
Niall :- Okay....
Finally the ground floor came. You got down in excitement, that's you're going on a date with Niall. And back there Niall don't got down from the elevator, instead he started dance in full joy, as if no one is seeing him.
You called him from the exit :- Come!!
Niall :- Coming!! (slowly) bae

*5 years later*
Niall :- Okay hunny you get to ready fast or else your mom is gonna shout, muhahaha (he started tickling her softly)
She started laughing
You :- Niall is she ready!!
Your daughter :- haha mom, dad is so funny Haha.

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