The Birthday boy with the girl

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It was Niall's 16th birthday, he had a crush on Jessica, everyone used to call her Jess. Some people say Niall gave that name. Anyways, his birthday on 13th of September, everyone from Niall's school were invited including Jess.
Niall and Jess used to go to same school, Jess was over qualified on her skill and where as Niall was an average kid. He was bullied many times, and when no one used to come to save him Jess used to be there. And that is how they met. And yes I am Niall's best friend Geroge. And students call me G, I dont know why maybe because there is no nick name for Geroge. Anyways Niall never had the confidence to tell Jess. And I always used to puss Niall to go and talk to her but ..... Hahahahah... I am sorry i laughed, Niall hahahahau just used to smile and if he tried to utter a word, he wont be able to do it.
So we both decided to play this game. In this game the birthday boy will pick up a chit from a bowl where many other chits are also present. One bowl will be of boy and one will be of girl. And then they have to spin the wheel and perform the task what is written on the wheel. But here comes the twist. I and Niall had prepared a separate bowl where there were chits of  Niall and Jess. It would fun. We all were almost 16 and so we decided that this time we wont invite any adults and only we kids will be there. It would be fun.
The time came and everyone started to come, we both were waiting for Jess to come. Then suddenly someone pushed Niall and he fell down. Hey, i scream what do u think you are doing. Then when i turned I say Jack and his friends laughing. Jack was the bully of our school and his always target was Niall. Because Niall liked Jess and Jack also. But we didnt invite him, then how did he. Yeah hw dosent require an invitation. He is such a fatty that he goes to every party to eat and that too without any invitation.
I picked up Niall and before i could say anything, Jess came.
Hiii Jess, you are looking so beautiful, Jack said. He used to act as if he is so nice in front of Jess. Hi Jack, Jess smiled. Happy Birthday Niall, you are looking so cute in that sweater. Jess complimented Niall. Niall blushed and said Th-Th-.... Thanks, I finally said. Niall wanted to say Niall. Jack laughed at this and called him a noob. Hey I am not a noob, Niall cried.
Jess laughed and didnt reacted to this and left to meet her other friends.
Niall - G we have to do something or other wise he would take Jess.
G- Yes I know, idea. I will prepare another bowl where I will place Jack's name and Madlin's name.
Niall - Yes that would be a cool idea. Hahaha I cant wait for this to happen.
G- Yesssssssssss, me too. Niall you go and invite Madlin to the party. Till then I will prepare another bowl of chits.
Niall says okay and went to invite Madlin. I know you all dont know who is Madlin. She is the craziest girl in our school, she is so dumb and mad that everyone used to call her mad and she was okay with it. If anyone asks her what is 2 + 2 she will say 22. Anyways so she was behind Jack for many days. Like I and Niall have noticed this from the past 6 or 7 years. Well why wont a dumb girl wont like a dumb boy. These all days we both though she was a disaster, but now she proved very helpful.

Niall had made the call and till then I made the another bowl of chits. Yes and everything was done. Hey, are we waiting for your next birthday? Jack shouted. And everyone laughed at it. No, we are waiting for one last person, Niall replied. Who is it? Everyone asked. You will see soon, i replied. Niall and i just wanted to see his reaction on how Jack will react when he will see Madlin. I mean Mad.
There she is I said. And it was worth seeing Jack's reaction, when he saw mad. We both just cant help laughing. Okay so lets start, I said. Mad went and stood beside Jack, giving her shy reaction. I can totally see that Jack is uncomfortable and that is what we  both wanted.
The cake cutting ceremony was done, and the best part Jess herself made Niall eat the cake from her hands. And Jack was burning there but he cant do anything because Mad was holding his had, and giving her shy expression. When this was done. I announced for the game. We all went to the table where spinning wheel and bowls were kept.
We explained all the rules and regulations. Everyone were really exited for it. Niall asked me go and bring the bowl where Jack and Madlin's chits where there. I bended down to take the bowl but there was a big trouble. I didnt marked which bowl had which person's name. All looked the same.
The crowd was becoming impatient  to play the game.
Niall- G? What happened?
G- there is a problem, all the bowls look the same.
*Niall comes down*
Niall - Why have u made them all the same?
G- Sorry i didnt realized, i thought make them same nobody would doubt us.
Someone from the crowd: Are we starting the game or not
Niall - Yes yes, just a moment. *goes down the table* open up the chits and take up the bowl of Jack and Madlin.
G- okay.
I came up with the bowl, I just glanced once through the chits... I hope the bowl comes up right. The game started... Everyone started cheering. Niall took the first bowl and took out the chit.... It says Jack.... Wohhhhhh everyone started cheering. Jack came up as a rockstart. He is such a show off. I just wish the 2nd bowl contains Madlin's name, please.... Niall picked up a chit from the bowl and opened it.
His expression were not good.... He looked at me and gave a disgusting look.
Jack - Who is it?
Niall didnt wanted to show it,but Jack snatched the chit and read it and then gave it to me. I read it aloud... Niall.
I was like what.... Oh no maybe i placed the wrong bowl no why....
Yaaayayayayaaaaaaa everyone hooted in excitement and everyone started saying a once "spin the wheel" "spin the wheel" "spin the wheel" . We had prepared the wheel. Jack too didnt liked it but, Madlin was also cheering for Jack and Jess was just smiling. They both spinned the wheel. And everyone looked at the wheel to stop so that they both can get a task . And u all wont believe where it stopped.
It stopped at dance... I was like controlling my laughter. Now they both have to dance. Omg... Everyone started cheering and chanting "dance" "dance" "dance". They both had a disgusting look on their face. They held their hands together and started to dance. It was worth looking. They were holiding each other as... Actually they were not even holding each other they were just touching. And as they moved around to dance everything started to fall. They both were dashing with things and making them fall.
Everyone was laughing so hard and everyone was cheering for Niall and Jack. Finally dancing dancing they both fell on each other when we saw the surrounding everything was scattered. And then looking at the mess we made we decided we will play spin the bottle because that is the most safest game for now we can play.
We all sat in a circle Niall and Jack were fighting to sit near Jess... But then i told Niall that you have to sit opposite to Jess so that you can have a chance to play with her. Oh yeah right right, Niall said. But when he came  to sit opposite to Jess. Jack came in full speed and sat opposite to Jess.
Damn these ugly people....
Now Jess amd Jack were sitting opposite to each other and Niall and I were sitting together beside Jack. But then we saw Madlin also sat beside Jess. Because of cource she wanted a try with Jack. She awkwardly laughed, and this made Jack even more comfortable. But he was not a sour player, but he cannot do anything here because this a game of luck.
Jack said that he will spin the bottle but Niall also wanted to spin the bottle. But Jess said it is Niall's birthday so his rules. How can Jack not listen to Jess. So he agreed the fact that it is Niall's birthday and he will spin the bottle.
Niall made sure that the bottle stops pointing Niall and Jess. So he spinned the  bottle and everyone was eagerly waiting for the bottle to stop spinning. And as it was about to stop everyone can make it out that the bottle would stop pointing Jack and Madlin. Jack tried his best by blowing air to rotate the bottle and on the other side Madlin nullified the efforts of Jack and finally the bottle stopped with pointing Jack and Madlin.
Nooooo I can here Jack's low moan.. And on the other side I can see Madlin's excitement.... She was dancing like sitting on her place.... Everyone else cheered "Go go go go". So now according to the rules, they both now have to go the closet and the closet will be closed still 1 min and they both can't come outside.
Jack and Madlin, they both went inside and we closed the door from the outside and the timer started. Madlin was the most exited as if now she will take it all under her control.  We all waited for 1 min and then we opened the door. First Madlin came out, she was heavily breathing, she came and sat on her place then, I went to check Jack. He lying flat on the floor. We all can understand what had happened there.
We all somehow brought Jack outside and his face was full red. Niall and I cant help laughing.
So we started the game again, the bottle spinned again but this time it stopped pointing Jess and Jack.... WTF I said on my mind, why is it everytime stopping everytime at Jack. I can see Jack's excitement, and Niall's disappointment. Now everything is gone... Even luck dosent want Niall and Jess together. Everything is gone.
And now before anyone can say anything, Madlin said, that Jack has already played once so the next person sitting near Niall must get the chance to play the game. Niall was like what... No-no yes yes.... Yesss... I said. It actually right. But Jack was not satisfied with it. But then i said Niall's Birthday, his rules.
Yeah yeah... Everyone started talking at once, Jack so much not wanted this to happen he was helpless. And finally everyone decided that Niall amd Jess will go into the closet. And saw what?

Niall was all frozen... He was frozen with the fact that finally he is getting the chance. I shook Niall a little bit so he came into his senses and told him in his ears that this is the chance go and tell him. Everyone again started chanting "Go Go Go". Niall just nodded his head, then we saw Jess got up and he held Niall's hand and they both went inside the closet. Then they closed the door from outside.
*inside the closet*
Niall : *Still in shock*
Jess comes near Niall.
Jess : Dont you wanna say something.
Niall : I-I... Jessica.
Jess *keeps a finger on Niall mouth*: Shhh you can mw Jess.
And then they both kissed each other passionately.
1 min got over and they both came outside, Niall had a big smile on his face. And we all knew what had happened.
*10 years later
George: Now many of u might be asking how I know all these story. Actually....
Niall *gets up*: Okay guys, it is enough of story time,  now lets cut the cake.
Niall's daughter: But I wanted to know what happened after then.
Niall's son: Yes, yes. Uncle George please tell us.
George: Well...
Niall: Okay who wants to play spin the bottle.
Everyone :  Me , me.
Niall says to his son: Okay champ, go get your friends and start the game. It is your Birthday, It is your day.
Niall's son: Okay dad, love you.
*goes with his friends*
Niall's daughter : Can I play too.
Niall: Sure honey goo!
Niall gets a pat on his back.
Jess : Dont u think they are too small to play game.
Niall :* Pulls Jess near* at least we are alone.
Jess: *blushes* Niall control yourself
George : And that we what we call a happy ending. 


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