The Beginning

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It was years ago, when this all occurred. A day she would never forget, the day she and her siblings were cast away from the only place they had known as home. It occurred in July of 2139, a bleak and rainy day. The clouds rumbling and rain falling from the sky. Midnight's father had just left for a hero mission, leaving her and her two siblings alone at home with their mother Elizabeth. The moment her father Arthur left the house her mother turned to the three of them and began demanding them to do as she pleased. 

"Now Crow, Midnight, and Lilith, mommy is going to go upstairs and have her happy time before her friends come over ok. Now I want the house to be nice and clean by the time they get here". Elizabeth made her way upstairs to pop her pills and smoke her pipe as the three children cleaned. "I hate this place so much Crow! I wish someone could come and save us!" Midnight exclaimed as she grabbed the broom to start sweeping around the house. The young male that seemed no older than eight turned to her placing a finger over his lips, "Hush or else she'll hear us. I don't want you to be hurt again.. I don't want to be hurt again either!" She huffed out as she kept sweeping, as she moved around the house she danced while she cleaned humming softly a song she had known from her grandmother. Crow shook his head as he watched his two younger sisters clean and dance with each other as he mopped where his sisters had cleaned already. 

Not noticing his mother come down the stairs, she slipped and fell on her ass as she stepped onto the wet floor. Furious over who did it she got up, her orbs quickly changing red as she walked towards the two girls grabbing Midnight and bringing her down to the basement. "You brat! You made me slip like that! You did that on purpose, didn't you!" She threw her onto the ground before kicking her in her stomach striking her face as well, "Mess up one more time today and you and your siblings will be out of this house!" She turned around as she walked off leaving Midnight laying there on the cold concrete floor of the basement to fend for herself.

Crow came running down stairs at a fast pace hugging her the moment her reached her, "Are you ok?" he asked concerned. She gave her head a nod as she got up and walked out of the basement. She made her way up to her room grabbing her school bag to put her favorite toys into it. Crow walked in behind her as he took his extra bag packing for Lilith and himself. "Did she threaten to make us leave?" Midnight nodded her head yes again as she finished grabbing what she needed. He let out a sigh as he walked over hugging her again, "Hey, If she ever does kick us out I will protect you both.. I promise" he wrapped his arms around her protectively only letting go when he heard the doorbell ring.

"Go get changed, her friends are here," he said as he made his way to his room to change as well. As the three children got dressed into more decent clothing they made their way down the staircase leading to the living room area. Midnight walked up to her mother asking, "Can I get you anything mama?" She gave an innocent smile as she stood there. Elizabeth squinted before glancing at the child, "No I don't so shoo. Mother is busy having fun." Midnight nodded as she walked off going to the kitchen with Crow. "Bubba.. What if we left on our own?" He looked around before pulling her into the pantry, "Are you crazy? Mother would literally have us killed Midnight. If she ever found us that is." he sighed out softly running his fingers through his hair. "For now let's just stay here ok? Everything will be ok." He reached out patting the seven year old's head.

Elizabeth looked back as she called out to the two, "Can you come bring me dishes for everyone." Midnight walked over to the china cabinet and attempting to open it, but found that it was stuck, so she pulled and pulled until it yanked open with a jerk causing the shelves to move forward causing dishes to fall out and shatter everywhere. She gasped out loudly as tears formed in her eyes quickly turning to face her mother. "I-it was an accident! I swear!" Elizabeth jumped up out of her seat making her way to the kitchen as she growled lowly, "That was your great grandmother's china how dare you Get out! All of you! I don't need your brats ruining everything for me! I mean it. Get out now!" Midnight ran upstairs as she grabbed her bags along with Lilith's. She ran down the stairs rushing out the house screaming, "I hate you!" Crow soon followed behind with his bags following the two young girls. He ran to catch up to them as the three of them walked along the sidewalks.

As they walked Tears ran down Midnight's face. This was all her fault.. She couldn't believe that she got them kicked out.. Over something that was an accident. They walked for quite an amount of time before coming upon a pathway full of cherry blossom trees leading to a park. Midnight pointed towards a single large tree with a swing. "This looks like a good spot to rest!" she smiled as she ran towards it sitting against the base. Crow walked up sitting between the two girls. "How will we be able to eat?" he glanced over at Midnight as he frowned. Midnight grabbed her bad pulling out a piggy bank, "We can use all my birthday money!" Crow shook his head, "I couldn't use your money."

Meanwhile.. As the children spoke a newer hero stood there tiredly watching them. He saw them talking before noticing that they had bags. He walked up to them before asking, "Why is a group of children sitting around without their parents?" Before Crow could answer Midnight replied, "Our mother kicked us out.. We don't have a home anymore." Tears formed in her eyes as her bottom lip quivered. The males eyes widened as he kneeled down hugging her, "Hey don't cry, everything will be ok child." He thought for a moment before grabbing their things and picking up Lilith, "Here come with me. Ill take care of your three.. What are your names?" Midnight got up quickly following behind him along with Crow. "My name is Midnight, that's Crow, and you're holding Lilith." He nodded as he grabbed his phone, typing out a number before calling a cab.

When the cab arrived he placed Lilith inside getting in himself. Midnight got in next to Lilith buckling up. Before Crow got in he looked at the male in the front seat, "Who are you anyways?" He looked back at the child as a slight smile played on his face, "Eraserhead.. But you can call me Aizawa." Crow nodded as he got into the cab shutting the door. As the vehicle began to move the children watched all of the trees. Thirty minutes passed and they arrived at an apartment, Aizawa got out of the car helping the three out before paying the cab driver. Midnight looked at the apartment and smiled. This was the beginning of a new life ahead of her.

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