chapter three

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EVER SINCE THE ADULTS disappeared, the Coates Academy students — those whose hands weren't encased in cement, courtesy of the notorious Drake Merwin — had taken the liberty of occupying the staff's lavish residential building. With bedrooms twice as large as their old classes, built in bathrooms and walk in closets, everything about their newly acquired living quarters screamed superiority, money and power. And they absolutely loved it.

"Are you nervous?" Drake stupidly asks as he closes the door behind their Principal's old chamber, which Ace had immediately claimed as her own, to Caine's silent disagreement. But keeping Ace happy meant keeping Drake happy, and in line. "About tomorrow?"

"I know the world turned to shit. But did hell freeze over?"

He laughs, the sound low and deep. It sends shivers down her spine. Not the kind that are induced by fear, alarm or worry. But the kind that are comforting. The kind that make you believe that despite the odds, things might actually turn out alright. And this knowledge is way more frightening than if it were to be otherwise. Because Drake Merwin is all but comforting, and Ace Austin will not find solace in him. In anyone. Because she simply doesn't need it.

He plops himself onto the wide, comfortable bed and puts an arm behind his head, staring at her, waiting. But to no avail, her eyes are fixed on pages from a book she's reading. So, he grabs one of the many decorative pillows and throws it towards her, aiming for her leg. Even then, she pays him no mind. He groans, tilting his head back then abruptly, stands up and makes his way towards her. His figure looms over her, towering her with such dominance and his smirk widens when she looks up at him so innocently. He closes the book and before she can give him one of her many smart remarks, he picks her up and puts her over his shoulder.

Ace doesn't fight it. She laughs. And so, Drake laughs. It feels good to be able to enjoy moments like these, moments that lean towards normalcy. Rare moments shared between them, hard to find and attain since both hot-heads are consumed by their pride and ego. He throws her onto the mattress and as she backs up against the headboard, he gets on top of her. Face inches away, lips inches away.

"There's no escaping me now, Ace."

She uses this moment of distraction to her advantage and turns them over so that she's straddling him. Not that he minds, really. But he prefers being in control, looking down at her. Her that is is, just his. All of her. Her lips threaten to meet his own and he waits, ready, wanting, longing for her. Yearning to feel her, to taste her. And she sees it. So, she faintly laughs and moves her face away, looking down at where a bulge is hardly poking her thigh.

"So soon, Drake? I didn't know you were that easy," she clicks her tongue behind her teeth, then runs it over her bottom lip seductively, tempting him.

He growls, frustrated. He won't shrink before her, he won't show her any kind of weakness or inferiority. No, he'll impose himself the way he does so well. And so, with a quick and swift motion, he's on top of her again, pinning her hands to each side of her head. And he smirks, raising both his eyebrows.

"What were you saying?" he bucks his hips forward and a low moan threatens to escape her throat at the friction, but she suppresses it.

Unable to control the urge to kiss her anymore, he caves and crashes his lips onto hers, eagerly sucking and biting. Mouths open to allow hungry tongues fighting for everlasting dominance entrance. His grip on her wrists releases and her fingers instantly find his hair, intertwining with his locks, tugging, harshly pulling. Even when they're breathless, they don't move away, for she is more vital to him than oxygen. Before they can go any further, they're interrupted by loud knocking on the door.

Drake lets out an irritated groan and violently opens the door, barking. "What?!"

He rolls his eyes at the sight of King and Marco, who make their way in by ducking under his arm, knowing he would never step back to allow them passage.

"My brother and Drake's best friend. Hm, to what do we owe this company?" she inquires, propping herself on her elbow.

Marco chuckles. "Well, you see, you both ditched us for each other."

"So we're friends by default now," King finishes.

"What do you want?" Drake spits.

"Sorry for interrupting you," King says in a disgusted and mocking tone, obviously not remorseful of barging in on them. "But we were bored. And we couldn't sleep."

"That's not my problem. Leave."

"Actually, we have a proposition," Marco directs his attention to Ace, the more reasonable one of the two.

"Go on," she ushers.

"How about a swim? The pool's relatively clean, we could have some fun. Before, you know, tomorrow."

"The four of us?" she arches a brow and Drake snickers.

"We asked Tara, Spencer and Diana to join."

"No Caine?"

"He said no."

"Shocking," sarcasm drips from her voice.

"You know," Drake approaches her confidently, swiftly jumping so that he's laying behind her on the bed, whispering in her ear. And King, along with Marco, do everything that they can to look away and distract themselves. "Swimming is usually followed by a shower."

"Great," she claps her hand and moves away from him, standing up. "I'll definitely enjoy a hot, steaming shower on my own. Or maybe, Marco, you could join me?" she winks.

An arm snakes around her waist, pulling her back into his chest. "Marco's going to have to refuse the offer. Won't you?"

"Y — Yeah. No can do, Ace. I care for my life."

Drake laughs darkly. "Good boy. You can leave us, now. We'll join you in a bit."

"If you hurt her —" King starts but is cut off.

"Don't be an idiot. I could never," the last sentence he whispers inaudibly into her ear for only her to hear.

The door closes behind them, and Ace turns to face Drake, hands wrapping around his neck.

"Maybe you'll join me. Maybe you won't. We'll see."

"I think I will," he leaves a sloppy, wet kiss on her neck before she pulls away.

"I'm gonna get ready. You should, too."

"I'll be back in five," he winks. "Dressed, or not, I don't mind."

"Go to hell, Drake," she jokingly says, pushing his arm.

"As long as you go with me."

"I probably will."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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