Wrath vs The Strongest Homunculus

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Father was laughing in success as Envy looked at the homunculus weirdly. "How can we tell if he's the real deal?" Envy asked. "He still looks the same." Father smiled, "watch." He rushed the homunculus and tried to punch him, but the homunculus moved out of the way and kicked Father in the stomach. Father laughed and rushed him again, this time he lands the punch to the homunculus. Envy looked in shock as these two fierce oppenents was trading blows. The battle had ended in a draw.  "Quies De lo mein gion das Father." The homunculus was speaking in it's native tongue. Envy looked confused, "how old is this homunculus?" Father replied, "Back to the days of Americus." He faced the homunculus. "Dos minos peñia deloñas calaè Apostasy." Envy walked away from the two. "Whatever you two have fun with your gibberish." Apostasy watched Envy walk away. Once he was out of sight he faced Father. "Why did you bring me back I was enjoying my sleep." Father walked to the center of the room where his throne was. "It's almost time for me to be a god. Amestris is the last country I need you to accomplish this feat." Apostasy looked at him mad, "yet you made 7 other homunculus from my genes to help you why do you need me?" "Those reasons are of my own. Are you enjoying your new body?" Apostasy looked the body up and down. "Well it all depends on if it can handle the transformations." Father was shocked, "I thought you needed to be a god for that." Apostasy smiled, "don't forget you old fart, I'm ranked 2 after Legion I just enjoy pitying you in my weakest form." He turned around and began to walk out. "Take care old goose I'll see whenever you're a god. That is if you can get there." Apostasy had reached Central and the first person he ran into was Maes Hughes' wife and daughter Gracia and Elicia. "Uncle Roy." He walked past them without saying anything. Elicia began to cry out loud. "Shh shh baby it's ok." Apostasy stopped and looked at the two, then he shook his head. "Why did I do that?" The next person he ran into was Führer Bradley. "So you're back already?" Apostasy's eyes started to turn colors. "So you're a homunculus?" The führer's face became serious and pulled off his patch and showed his eye. "Of course you are." He said with a smirk on his face. "I'm the homunculus known as Wrath, the Ultimate eye." Apostasy looked at his eye. "Nice eye, but I'm quite sure it wont do you any good against me. Wrath readied his stance and attacked him. Apostasy just stood there taking the slices from Wrath's blade. "Come on now I know you can do better than that." Wrath jumped back a little then he punched Apostasy in the face. "Ok now we can began." He punched Wrath in the face causing him to fly into a building. "Hmm might've overdid it a little." A sword was thrown at Apostasy, but he caught it then Wrath charged at him again. Apostasy blocked it with his sword. "Hmm sword fighting seems to be your strong point." He got in his fighting stance. He encouraged Wrath to come on. Their swords collided with each other causing sparks to fly every where. Wrath was pulling out all the stops, but couldn't touch Apostasy. Wrath charged at Apostasy for the last time, this time he stuck Apostasy in the chest. "See if I was a human you would've won, but." He stabbed Wrath in the stomach. "I'm the Ultimate Homunculus Apostasy." Wrath looked at him in shock. "Shockwave." Electricity began to leave from Apostasy's sword into Wrath causing his body to explode into flames. "Ew that's nasty." Apostasy said while wiping off Wrath's body parts off of him. "Well back to the office."

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