The Wife of the Strongest Homunculus

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"Are you sure this is the right direction?" "Yes I'm sure it's only been 2000 years since I've been here." "That's what I'm afraid of." Roy sighed as his trust in the homunculus was slim. "For someone who is claimed to be the strongest homunculus your navigation sucks." Roy continued to walk through the desert. "How much longer do we got?" "I don't know, what do I look like? A map?" Roy began to get annoyed with Apostasy. "How bout this I rest while you walk through this desert." Apostasy laughed, "yea right alchemist." "You is one lazy homunculus." Apostasy laughed harder, "if only you knew why." This caught Roy's attention. "Is it because of your wife?" Apostasy grew quiet, "yes it is." They reached a town in the desert. Roy entered a store and began to ask around about a place that was known as Americus. "Yes you is in the heart of it, or what's left of it." An old man told him. "What business do you have here?" Apostasy began to speak up, "my name is Apostasy I was here 2000 years ago, so I'm sure you guys don't know me. I'm here to collect something dear to me, and I'm pretty sure one of your ancestors told you about it." A little girl tugged at Roy's pants leg. "My mommy and daddy told me stories about a woman that lives in our basement."  Apostasy bent down to see the girl eye to eye. "Do you mind taking me there?" The kid nodded its head in agreeance. When they got there the parents was curious on why this man was with there child. "It's not what you think I came so she can show me her basement." The parent's face went from awed to scared. "Wow you're also great with words too." Roy said sarcastically. "Here let me handle this." Roy took control and started to explain to the parents what was going on and why they needed to go to the basement. They pointed to the basement to where the wife of Apostasy was. Roy walked through the threshold of the basement and closed the door behind them. "Who has entered my realm so easily?" Apostasy took back over, "it's me sweetheart." A figure was being formed in the shadows. "Who are you?" "It's me sweety Apostasy." "No you're not my Apostasy had a body of a peasant, how can I believe you?" Apostasy replied, "Remember our first date when I mistook your sister for you." The shadowy figure punched Apostasy in the face and caused his head to spin in a 180. "Don't you dare bring up that moment, but I knew it was you though." She said while chuckling. Apostasy turned his head back around. "How did you know-- never mind." She laughed again, "so what a nice body you got." She said while rubbing her hands down his chest. "Where did you find this?" She smelled a scent on his neck. "And who have you been cheating with." "Babe listen, the person's body I'm controlling his name is Roy Mustang the flame alchemist from Amestris. The woman that you smell is his lover. Riza Hawkeye." She chuckled, "well Roy Mustang it's nice to meet you, my name is Legion." Roy took control, "so you're a homunculus as well?" "Please human, I'm a fallen angel, and the wife of this beautiful homunculus named Aposty." Roy blurted out a laugh. "Aposty? That's hilarious." Apostasy cut in before things got worse. "Uh so Legion, how have you been?" "Really that's the first thing you ask? How about "let me show you how big i-" Apostasy interrupted her, "this story is rated PG so let's keep it that way." Legion laughed, "so shall we bathes together tonight?" She asked while pressing her boobs against his arm. "Uh uh sure." Apostasy said while trying not to imagine how soft her boobs were. Legion smiled and walked away to prepare the bath. Roy remember seeing that face before, but can't whose face it was. "You ok pal." Apostasy asked. "Legion looks familiar." "Well yea she has to change bodies every 2000 years." Roy head began to hurt from this. "Let's just be careful, ok?" "Ha human careful is my middle name." "You don't even have a last name." "I know." Replied Apostasy with a menacing laugh." A few minutes later Apostasy went to the bathroom and opened the door to see Legion naked. His nose began to bleed and she started to blush as she stepped in the tub. "Well aren't you going to join me?" Apostasy rushed to get his clothes off, but he tripped on his boxers and went face first into Legion's boobs. "Sorry I'm so sorry." He said while backing up to the other side of the tub. "Baka." Legion said while blushing. "All you had to do was ask." The night went on like this for awhile til Legion pulled out a gift. "Happy Anniversary and Merry Christmas." Apostasy smiled, "thanks." He opened the gift and it was a watch. "Where did you get this?" He asked while trying to find a way to open it. "I got it from Amestris, the country Roy is from like a couple of days ago. The emotion on the flame alchemist face showed that Roy was on control. He finally got it open and carved into the watch was "don't forget 3.Oct.10" and then realized that Legion had Winry's body.

                                    The End

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