6. I need to know !

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Warnings: heights 

This is will be in newts pov btw hope y'all enjoy 😉

Newts POV  : 

OMG , Gally WHAT WAS THAT FOR !? I'm sorry newt but he's kinda dangerous. DANGEROUS R U ACTUALLY BEING SERIOUS ! Newt calm down . NO VINCE I WONT CALM DOWN. EVEN THO I MADE IT OUT AND IM SAFE AND ALL BUT, TOMMY IS NOT!! YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM IF U HELD THAT GUN AT HIM ANY LONGER I WOULD OF CAME OUT!  But you didn't right ? Umm? Well umm? Idk Jorge . Newt did. You come out? IDK Jorge ok ! I stood out a bit more from behind the bushes so I could see if he was ok and .. And what?  Let me think Jorge ! Umm so he looked my direction and stared my way for a bit but I just froze and then when he looked away I ran. YOU WHAT ! Umm I ran ? YES YOU RAN BUT NOW HE DEFINITELY WONT STOP LOOKING FOR YOU ! What do you mean gally? UGH newt when Thomas woke up he asked where you were and we told him you were gone he flipped and then  he told us about his powers  and I kinda got Mad at him cause I was scared. YOU WHAT GALLY!  I'm sorry newt. UGH carry on is he ok now ? Well after I flipped he tried to use his power on me but something was stopping him he looked weak and he fell . Then what? NEWT IM THINKING ! ok ok! Calm down gally. Ok fine, after that he looked around and everyone was looking at him with  scared and shocked faces and some backed up so then he ran into his cabin crying  and he didn't come out once in 2 Months we all thought he would but he didn't so one of the nights I saw Aris sneaking in but he seemed to do that a lot so I didn't mind then today he came out looking down at the grass but we all got scared and held our weapons at him but when he looked up he looked sympathetic and sad Vince whispered that maybe he was tricking us but wasn't really. Then what happened? Ok so then we were  gonna shoot but mihno appeared she had glowing blue eyes ,his hair was glowing blue ish flames and his hands had water and ice levitating from them he then stopped closed his eyes and he was then Levitating and he pretty much defended Thomas but after him  shooting us with wind and blowing some of us back Thomas saw mihno looking like he was gonna vomit so Thomas stepped in and screamed he seemed to be focusing on someone or something and then he was levitating and now Thomas's powers seemed to change he had red flames coming from his hair his eyes were red as usual but his feet had flames coming from where he was levitating and his hands had flames he then warned us that he wouldn't hurt us if we didn't hurt them so then he stopped what he was doing and focused  On that someone or something again and he soon fell and his powers and anger disappeared he than told us to go but I had already left to go see you and when i saw you weren't here yet I went back to camp to get something to eat and drink and get some stuff for you oh yeah here btw I got you new clothes a blanket ,water and a bit of frypans stew that was left over ? ooh thanks gally. No problem but when I was walking back to camp to get the stuff and my food I overheard Thomas and mihno talking about how he thought he saw you he said he saw a boy with blonde hair hazel eyes and pink rosy lips he said looked exactly like you he thought it was you mihno joked about saying it couldn't be him but Thomas told him off but then Minho started talking about  your death and then next thing mihno knew he saw Thomas shouting at him saying it couldn't happen and I overheard thomas saying  he wasn't gonna give looking for you and a few weeks earlier I heard him saying something idk  who he said to too I think it was mihno but he said  no not newt my newt I loved him and I guess that's it ?I NEED TO SEE HIM, see who? Newt. THOMAS I NEED TO SEE HIM ! ok ok, but  what's the plan? 


Sorry it was long and ik it had a lot of gally POV  as well but who knows what will happen next ? Hope y'all enjoyed 😊 I'll post the next chapter soon . 

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