Autumn is the beginning of everything, not the end

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"What is it that you desire?"

A beautiful creature of red asked her as it danced amongst the snow. A gentle, demure smile played on its lips, and where it stepped flowers bloomed like spring. It gradually moved, swaying its tail with the arctic wind as its pale skin began to burn from the ebony frost. Yet, it stood there reminiscing its touch.

"What is it that you desire?" It reiterated. This time it stood above her like a predator anticipating the taste of its prey. It was waiting for her, marginally readying itself to devour her, or at least that's what she thought.

Men, of all ages, approached closely, each with a bow and arrow in hand. Their eyes were darkened by hate and fear as they stared at the creature. It was their only concern.

"‎چاپتوري هير!"

They circle it like buzzards afore consummately driving it into a corner. And one by one, like a game of darts, they shot it down to the ground. The creature lay cold, its eyes brightened with joy as the arrow perforated its chest. It smiled, looking towards her before slowly turning numb and fading into the abyss.

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