Chapter five (Searching...)

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The sun had just started to set in the western half of the sky. The sky was turning a pale shade of blue behind the scattered rain clouds. that were started to gather.

Around were the sun was setting the sky was more of a pale fire orange color then blue like the rest of the sky.

Just outside of the barn's entrance Poki was laying down in a patch of dirt. The kitten was just watching the clouds pass by to the sounds of the farm winding down for the evening.

She kept her freshly caught mouse between her paws as she ate it, as if it was actually going to run away again.

For a second Poki took her eyes off of the sky and tore off another chunk of the mouse's meat for herself before looking back up.
As she ate she couldn't help but wonder where her brothers had gone to. Normally they only left the barn house to hunt and to take walks around their farm territory, but ever since the fox came around they only ever left for a quick hunt before coming back so Poki found it strange when she peeked in the barn and nothing was there besides the mice and the hay that lay on the ground.

Poki had been laying here since a little past noon and they still were no where to be scene. Poki had even wandered around the farm looking for them. But all she came across where the pigs, and one piglet who curiously sniffed at her fur when they came across her, the sheep dogs, the chickens, the barn owl and all of the other usual farm animals.

But no Lodi or Envy anywhere.

As Poki finished the last bits of her mouse and pushed the remains aside to clean herself she wondered for just a second if the fox had actually got them.

'No,' she told herself in her head 'they're both strong enough to fight one off if they came across one... right?' 

Now the hairs on her spine stood up as she imagined the horrible images of tan toms being ripped to shreds by the vicious jaws and claws of a fox. Blood and organs being scattered, yowls of pain being heard, all while no one could save them...

Poki shook her head to push these images away. Her brothers were strong just like she had said to herself before, so no need to worry.

Poki got to her paws and buried the bones and other scraps of her mouse before padding off. "But just in case, one final check around the place." She decided as she started off with a fast trot.

Soon enough Poki found herself at the human's house. The two sheep dogs slept close to one another beside the tall brown building. Poki could see from her spot in the grass that a warm looking light was coming through from the windows. She even saw the silhouettes of humans moving around so the humans must still be up.

'Maybe they took shelter here for a while?' Poki wondered even though she knew that her brothers didn't like staying in the human's house, but she still thought it didn't hurt to look.

She padded up to the door and sat down close to the cat-flap. "Hey! Let me in! Let me iiin!" She mewed and mewed hoping someone would answer.

Though she was greeted not by the humans but by another cat nosing their way through the flap. White paws became visible under the flap as it lifted up. 'Lodi?' Poki thought hopefully as her big ears lifted up with anticipation. Only to return to their normal state as she saw who this cat was.

It was not Lodi, but Grace. The spotted white cat pushed her way out of the flap and stood about a front of Poki.

Grace was a slightly plump and beautiful white cat with a silky well groomed pelt, a few soft muscles could be seen under her fur which had a few calico looking spots on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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