10: Nick Parker

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I was so excited. Percy Jackson was here and ready to see me swim! I felt jealousy bubble in my veins when I saw that Annabeth was dating him. Ugh, why can't I have that fame? Well, after I get that scholarship, I'll be better than him.

"Please welcome, Percy Jackson, the record holder of Goode High's swim team!"

They all cheered and I clapped slowly. I wanted Percy Jackson OUT of the picture.

"Ready, set, go!"

I swam faster than I've swum in my life. I beat my record by a good five seconds! 

When I popped out of the water, the referee shouted, "AHS wins!"


"Beating Goode by 1 second, they win!"

I swear I saw Percy wink and the team captain smile at him gratefully. I was desperate.


"Mr. Jackson?"

"I told him some techniques because unlike you, Nick Parker, he asked me for tips."

"Fairly, AHS wins!"

I was fuming. I was blinded by rage. I screamed and ran out of the water, grabbing a knife--don't ask why I have one. (A/N: WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!) I ran with all my might to the Olympic swimmer, jamming it into his eight pack. Blood literally poured from the wound. It was forming a pool on the floor and some red was seeping into the pool. Annabeth was screaming. She grabbed me and judo flipped me, pointing the middle finger at me.

The teachers were scolding me and checking on Percy Jackson. The principal, Mr. Jacobi, was putting his head in his hands, his face was red with anger and shame. Percy was bleeding out on the floor. The cops came with the ambulance. Annabeth was crying and holding Percy's hand, telling him to stay with her.

Paul Blofis was pulling out his own pocket knife, looking at me murderously. The police handcuffed me and sent me to juvenile detention. I still remember hearing the sirens blaring and the students all staring at me and glaring in shame. I was the shame of the school. After a lot of convincing from my parents and money, they let me go back to school under the watch of guards. Percy Jackson was okay. He apparently lived because, in the ambulance, his heart had stopped, but Annabeth's tears fell on his wound, making it close up. All the doctors poured two gallons of water onto his wound, making it close up and leave no scar. Lucky!

I was beat up in school for what I did. I hate to say I deserved it. One day, Percy came back and all the students were cheering. He called me forward and I was expecting a slap to the face, but instead, he put a calming hand on my shoulder. When I looked into those eyes, they were not murderous. They were calm and kind.

"Hey, Nick. Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Mr. Jackson, I'm so sorry! I loved Annabeth and I really wanted her. I wanted a scholarship because I wanted to be the best. I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again!"

He watched me in a fatherly way. That is unusual, considering he's my age.

"Look, Nick. I've been through a lot worse than just a simple stab wound. I've been abused my whole life. Well, not when I was twelve. My step-father was gone by then. I'm used to it," he said with a kind smile that made me feel bad.

"To all of you, you must know what forgiveness means. If Nick has done something wrong, it's okay, as long as he improves. If he were to do it again, I would be less forgiving. Being kind in the world is better than being mean. Please treat your classmates with respect."

He walked out of school, kissing Annabeth. It had been one year and I could see that they were stronger than ever.

I was invited to their wedding three months later. They were the happiest couple with five children. I met my wife, Maria Slogan and we are happily married with one kid, Jamie.

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