Felicity Holmes Part 2

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I watched Percy's sleeping body on his cot. He was hooked up to machines and he looked extremely weak. I looked at his handsome face and I felt the urge to kiss him. I sighed, looking down at him. I was aware of Penelope entering the room.

"You love him, don't you?" She asked.

"Yeah. I really like him," I said.

"You know that he loves Annabeth, right?"

I scowled, thinking about that blonde bitch with gray eyes. I hated her because she loved Percy. I almost hated every girl because they loved Percy. I growled in hate.

"I love Percy, but I love him more as a brother. He's just so kind and handsome, but I respect his decisions," Penelope said.

"Oh, and all of a sudden, you're Einstein?" I sneered.

"No. I'm Penelope," she said, planting a tiny kiss on Percy's sweaty forehead.

I rolled my eyes as she exited the room. I looked around and I spotted something. It was the medicine Percy was taking. I made sure no one was looking, and I ran out to my cabin. I grabbed the love potion and ran out of the cabin. I bumped into Piper, who stared at me.

"What were you doing in our cabin?" she asked skeptically.

"I... I was just freshening up my makeup!" I exclaimed.

"Your lipstick is not there. It's gone. What have you been doing?" she asked.

"Uh... behind you!" I yelled, running off, the bottle of potion firmly held in my hands.

I ran into the infirmary and hurriedly emptied the bottle of love potion into it. I shook the bottle, placing it back where I found it.

Piper's POV:

I followed her and saw her pour a bottle of love potion in Percy's medicine. When she had left, I saw Will dribble the medicine into Percy's mouth. This wasn't good. I had to warn Annabeth.

"Annabeth, if Percy is kissing another girl, don't be mad at him," I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"I'll explain afterward, just don't be mad at him."

"Why wouldn't I be mad if he's cheating on me?"

"He will never cheat on you. He made an oath to you, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember that clearly."

"Well, he stays true to his oath even if he's kissing another girl."

"What?" she asks, but I hear Felicity running by.

"I can't say more until it happens. You need to be there to catch him."

"WHAT?!" she screamed, but I ran out of the cabin.

I walk into the cabin just as Felicity closed her drawer.

"Hey, Felicity," I say as casually as I can, though I got her pouring love potion on camera.

"Hey, Piper," she said, an evil glint in her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Fixing my makeup because you said it didn't look good."

"Uh, I didn't say that."

"Well, if Percy's going to love anyone, it's going to be me."

"No, he loves Annabeth!"

"We'll see, Piper. We'll see," she said evilly.

I rolled my eyes and walked out to inform the rest of our friends. 

"Why would we not be mad at him if he's kissing another girl?" Thalia hissed.

"He made an oath and he still keeps his oath even when he's kissing the other girl!"

"Why? He's just cheating on Annabeth!"

"You won't understand until it happens. Be there to catch him if he falls."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Thalia screamed, but I already ran away.

----Time Skip Percy Wakes Up----

We were all in the infirmary, including Felicity. I knew she had something behind this... Percy's eyes fluttered open and I held in a gasp of horror. His eyes had pink flecks in them.

"Whoa... what happened?" he asked.

Felicity flashed everyone a smirk and planted a kiss on Percy's lips. Percy's eyes turned fully pink and he kissed back. I held Annabeth back from killing him.

"Remember what I said," I hissed in her ear.

"How did that feel, babe?" Felicity purred.

"It felt... amazing..." he said.

"Good, let's do it again!" she said happily, kissing him again.

They kissed for a long time and finally, Percy's eyes snapped open. He pulled away and the pink flickered in his eyes.

"What the heck am I doing?" he mumbled.

"You're in love with me, remember?"

"No..." he muttered, gritting his teeth, "I... love... Annabeth!" he got out.

Pink smoke flew from his eyes and he collapsed on the floor, pink liquid tricking down from his mouth. Annabeth looked confused and I didn't waste any time. I dragged Percy to the pavilion. All of my sisters ran over, inspecting him.

"Potion!" Isabella exclaimed, looking at the pink liquid coming out from his mouth.

"MOM!" I yelled to the sky.

Aphrodite appeared, kneeling down in front of Percy's body.


I showed her the clip I caught on camera.

"FELICITY!" she screamed.

Felicity ran over, looking overjoyed. She kneeled down next to Percy, feeling his pulse. She squealed with joy and ran her fingers along his eight-pack.

"I did it! He's mine! Aren't you proud of me, Mom?" she asked.

Aphrodite growled and struck her daughter in the face. She looked like an old hag.

"I disown you for trying to break my favorite OTP of eternity!" she screamed.


"GO TO TARTARUS!" she screamed as the ground opened up under her, making her fall into Tartarus.

"I will try to cleanse him as much as I can," Aphrodite said.

She waved her hand and Percy was just asleep.

"He'll need a few days. He'll be okay."

Annabeth sighed in relief. Everyone smiled at the thought of Felicity being gone.

"Thanks, Piper," Annabeth said.

"Anytime, Annabeth."

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