Aliana Smith (Part 1)

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Hi, I'm Aliana Smith. I'm seventeen and I can't wait to finally get out of my foster home. I live with seven other girls in the same room and our beds are so small. I haven't gotten any proper nutrition and I don't have the money to buy makeup like all the other girls my age. I'm apparently really smart, so I got a scholarship to some fancy school named Juneclectius Academy. Even the name is fancy. I had some little pocket change that I've spent years collecting off the streets. I used it to buy some old school books. Let's say I wasn't prepared for what I was walking into.

I walked over and saw all the girls dressed in Gucci clothes with Dior fragrances, showered in expensive jewelry from Tiffany & Co, wearing heels from Jimmy Choo, wearing Chanel sunglasses, having chauffeurs opening the doors for them to walk out in their gorgeous clothes and Prada bags, new phones and wallets stuffed with cash... I was just wearing some really short jean shorts and an old T-shirt that a was super grown out. All my clothes are old but I take good care in cleaning them so it just looks like I'm wearing a cropped cami and some short shorts. My shoes were rather clean and I hoped no one would see they weren't really from any designer brand.

I kept noticing how the guys all looked my way and some girl even told me I was pretty. Other girls glared in jealousy and whispered about how I looked like I had been dumped in a trash can and taken out because I was so poor. That's when I really noticed it. My figure. My natural curves, my full lips, my silky hair, my full chest and lean legs... I had a model figure and I hadn't noticed my whole life! Pretty soon the bell rang and we all headed over to class. The first thing I saw was a teacher who looked rather strict. She kinda reminded me of my foster house owner, who smelled like fish dipped in rotten eggs and pickle juice, except she looked way prettier.

"Hello, class. As most of you know I am Ms. Chase. I will be your Pre-Calculus teacher this year. I expect all my students to sit up properly, no knees on the table. I'm talking to you, Collin. Don't think you can hide that wad of gum with your Rolex watch. Spit. It. Out."

He rolled his eyes and Ms. Chase was at the desk in an instant. Whoa... for a woman in a suit with some black heels and some cute black glasses, she was really fast.

"Did I just catch an eye roll?" she squinted at him, "A three page essay on the importance of respect for your piers. If I see another disrespectful move I will make you serve detention in my classroom for the next four days. Now. New students, please stand up."

A girl who had brown hair and matching brown eyes stood up. She was wearing everything expensive and looked like a little bitch to be honest.

"Hi, I'm Melissa Williams. I already know everyone in the school and we're besties. Except for all the scholarship people. They suck."

"Mind. Your. Attitude," Ms. Chase glared at her with disgust before turning to me, "Please, introduce yourself."

"Hi... my name is Aliana Smith..." I didn't know what to say.

"Nice to meet you, new students," Ms. Chase motioned for us to sit down.

"Let's start class, shall we?" she took out a whiteboard marker and began to write.

My brain just processed it like it was nothing. Nothing at all. It was strange, but my love of books did make it clear.

"Can anyone solve this equation?"

Everyone else had paper and books and pencils, but I didn't, so I just made my calculations in my head. It went by in a whirl and I suddenly answered, which made me turn a bit red.

"3487," I answered.

Ms. Chase almost dropped her coffee mug. Everyone just stared at me in shock.

"Can I give you a different question?" she asked.

"Sure?" I replied quietly.

She gave me another one and wrote down the large equation. Everything seemed to click in place and I suddenly answered.

"50,629?" I answered and she dropped her marker.

"Uh... yes... that's correct," she cleared her throat, "Ms. Smith, I'd like to see you in my office later this afternoon, if you don't mind."

"Uh... I don't mind," I said quietly before she continued the lesson.

What was all that?

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