15: Dylan Hanks(Demigod)

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I was sitting in archery class, looking at my crush. Annabeth Chase. With her gorgeous locks of golden hair and her sharp gray eyes, she can make you fall into heaven with a look. I sighed dreamily and tried to block out everyone's questions.

"Dylan Hanks... MR. HANKS!"

I heard the archery teacher scream at me.

"Huh? What?"

"Are you listening?"



Annabeth looked at me with a small reassuring smile and I swear I turned into a pile of melted candle wax. I picked up a bow and clumsily had it land five feet away from the target. I looked down and sighed against the other campers' laughs and jeers. Annabeth put a perfect hand on my shoulder.

"No pressure, just aim and fire. We all make mistakes and not all of us are good at archery," she said.

It is SO clear that she likes me. I tried aiming and I got closer, barely missing Chiron's tail. I sighed in relief that I had run out of arrows and sat down on the bench, sulking while Annabeth shot a bullseye. I was walking around camp and I heard whispers about some kid named Percy Jackson. Seriously! I think I've heard his name being whispered in the halls of my school. The girls are all drooling and some even faint at the sound of the name. WHAT IS WITH THESE GIRLS?! Honestly, I don't get why the gods have cursed me with the fact that every girl thinks I'm the most nerdy kid in the world.

Anyway, even Mr. D seems excited.

"Uh, who is Percy Jackson?" I ask my satyr friend, Brady Pines.

"Oh! Percy Jackson is literally my celebrity idol! He's rated the hottest model to walk the planet, the best singer, the founder of the world's #1 marine biology group, Olympus Seas, and he's the youngest and best Olympic swimmer in all time!" he squealed.

Everyone seemed excited, even Annabeth. She kept squealing with Piper.

"Seaweed Brain..." I could hear her.

I guess she hated him? I looked over to an Aphrodite girl.

"Um, why is everyone whispering about Percy Jackson?" I asked her.

"He's coming to camp tomorrow! HE'S MY IDOL! He's also apart of Aphrodite and our cabin's OTP!"

"Uh, okay..."

I felt jealousy surge up like a wave in me. I was a son of Apollo, the hottest god!

Watch it, kid.

I heard a voice in my head. What the heck?! I shook my head and walked off to my cabin. Laying down on the bed, I couldn't sleep. I had to go train. I shot arrows relentlessly. I had to train and get Annabeth before anyone else could steal her from me. She was single after all, so that shouldn't be a problem. Plus, the Big Three children all have people to date. There's absolutely no way another god broke the oath.

At breakfast, I stared longingly at the empty spot next to Annabeth at the Poseidon table, where Annabeth's friends all sat. They reject me every time, saying that the spot is taken. I'm stuck with my annoying siblings, who keep taunting me because I can't shoot an arrow like the rest of them. One day, I'll be Annabeth's boyfriend. They're gonna have to let me sit down at the table!

All the gods came to see Percy's arrival. Ugh, why does he have to be the best thing at camp? I saw a blue Lamborghini pull up and a really hot guy stepped out. He had jet black, messy, windswept hair. His sea-green eyes were swirling like hurricanes in those eyes. He had a lopsided grin that only he could pull off. He had the perfect beach tan and rippling muscles along a sexy eight-pack. I glared at his body with envy. As he was crossing the camp boundary line, a roar took our attention. Four hellhounds and the Minotaur. Oh, my gods, he was dead.

"Hey! Long time no see, Beefhead!" The man yelled.

He charged with a pen. A pen. I burst out laughing until he uncapped it. It burst into a glimmering sword. He defeated them like it was nothing. Zeus was clapping.

"That's how you make an entrance, nephew," he said, grinning.

Oh, great, he's a child of the Big Three. Poseidon came forward. He hugged the boy and I knew it was his son. He's a threat...

"Hey, campers! I'm Percy Jackson!" He said, smiling.

I was practically glowing with anger. Before anyone could say anything, he went back to his cabin. Annabeth followed like a puppy. I growled and stormed back to my cabin. We trained. Percy was the best swordsman in history, making me look TERRIBLE. Annabeth and Percy haven't met yet, so I'm not too worried. Last stop: archery. I'm really excited for it because I heard that Percy Jackson SUCKS at archery. I grinned slyly as he pulled back. That smile faded when he hit a bullseye. Annabeth walked forward. Oh, no...

"How'd you do that, Seaweed Brain?" She asked, pecking his nose.

Okay, I must've imagined that.

"I trained, Wise Girl," he said, pecking her forehead.

They are not boyfriend and girlfriend, just brother and sister. Adopted brother and sister perhaps.

It was finally time for dinner and Percy came out of his cabin, walking over to the Poseidon table.

"That seat is taken," I sneered from my table.

Annabeth looked at me weirdly and Jason grabbed Percy and pulled him down into the seat.

"Yeah, taken by Percy."

I was fuming. I saw Annabeth and Percy smiling and talking. Then I saw Annabeth reach up and kiss him. Oh, no, she wasn't. Percy kissed back, their lips joined. I felt rage take over me.


Everyone gasped and stared at me angrily. Percy looked calmly at me, though his eyes flashed dangerously. Annabeth got up and walked over to the Apollo table. Finally making the right decision. She slapped me really hard.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend that way. You're the big dick here. My boyfriend and I met when we were twelve. Percy Jackson isn't just a famous guy. He is the two-time savior of Olympus and the most powerful demigod to ever live. He has sacrificed his life for the good of our camp. He is admired here because he's not some cocky dick like you. He's also not a slut. He's the most compassionate person this world has ever seen! Don't call him dumb. He's the #1 Marine Biologist in the world. Next time you try and break us apart, I will slit your throat. No one talks about Seaweed Brain like that," she growled.

Aphrodite and her cabin squealed.

"Aw, Wise Girl, how'd you make up a speech?" Percy asked, smiling and pecking her cheek.

"You're too awesome... Oh, no, did I just say that?"

"Yeah, you did. You feeling fine?"

Annabeth and Percy began to laugh.

"Apollo, don't you dare..." Artemis scowled.

"My son is awful,
Percabeth forever,
Aphrodite's fav."

"That was awful, but touching. Thanks, Apollo," Percy said.

They kissed again and I knew I had no shot with Annabeth. I was forgotten at camp. I eventually died when I was walking in the woods and a hellhound ripped me to pieces. Sent to the Fields of Asphodel, I am still mad about Annabeth. That's how I met Percabeth.

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