The girl who drinks a lot

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- Has an addiction to partying

- Spends most of her time at the club across from our dorms 

- Extremely friendly 

- Is good friends with Ryujin

- Can't drink a lot of alcohol but does anyways

- Is failing at least 3 of her classes 

" Don't get her too drunk. The last time that happened I was scarred for life, trust me she can become a mess in seconds if you're not careful enough " - Ryujin

Heejin was always a girl for a good party. Even if she hadn't gone to a club in a while, she still knew her way around a club, just like the back of her hand. That's one of the reasons that when she had seen the tips on Han Eunji, she bought a new outfit just for the mission. Nothing too fancy but just perfect for meeting up with Eunji.

The night was dark and brittle, with the only light to be seen being the moon and the stars that spat across the horizon. Heejin had finally left her dorms around 10:00 pm making her way to the not too far club that most students at Blockberry had gone too. 

The bright lights of the flashing sign, glowing onto Heejin's face as she made her way to the front of the club. "It's been a while, but here goes nothing" Heejin had braced herself opening the door and being met with the clubs bouncers.

After being checked by the two bouncers Heejin had now made her way downstairs into the club but being immediately taken back by the room that was filled with students. 

The smell of alcohol, sweat and lust filled the humongous dance floor and bar, bringing back memories of Heejin's past times in this exact club. 

Fully making her way downstairs, Heejin looked around searching for her target girl, "Can't drink a lot of alcohol but does anyways, huh?" Heejin remembered the help list she had gotten from the girls. With that information the girl had looked around the room before finally spotting the bar, and while looking around also spotting her target girl.

The girl had been sitting with her head down, taking shots down by the second as you could tell the girl wasn't going to stop any time soon. Finalizing her plan in her head, Heejin had made her way over to the girl at the bar, taking a seat right next to the girl now on her 6th shot.

Eunji was a simple girl. Maybe not the smartest, but she knew what she was doing. The club was a getaway for the girl, a hideout to make it more simple. Eunji's past wasn't something the girl truly talked about, so when she couldn't keep her feeling inside she would just drown them away spending her time in the local club to make herself feel better. Now this may have not been the best idea for the  girl to deal with her problems that she would most likely need therapy for, but it was best option in her opinion and it helped take the pain away. Even if  it was a good option or not. 

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