Chapter one

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I try to open my eyes but they are just so heavy they shut again. My left arm itches and suddenly my eyes decide to agree with me. Then I take a look at my out stretched arm. I cant really see because the lights are off. So I slide out of bed and head to the bathroom. Immediatly I shut the door and glance at the clock. 

7:50 am

Crap I'm late. I turn to look at the hideous creature staring back at me. I wish they were two different bodies. But I am just fooling myself because this dreadful thing is just me. I'm a mess.

Hairs matted up, wrinkled t-shirt, and bulky sweatpants. I got my apparel.

My eyes lowered down to my left arm. I shiver a little bit and then pain suddenely shoots through me. It was the disruption from last night. I reach into my pocket and pull out a lifeless razor blade. 

Its covered in dry blood. I drop it into the garbage. 

I really dont want to go to school today but my counciler told me if I keep missing days I will have to repeat junior year again. As if I want another god awful year in that hell hole. So I dip my arm into the sink and turn on the fossit and the stinging sensation was painful but I strangely liked it.

I scrubbed my arm harder to generate more blood flow to intensify the pain. Then after a few minutes that was enough. I pulled my hand out and dryed it on a dark towel so the blood woudnt be visible. My arm was now blistering red. I could feel the throbbing. I through on a long sleeve shirt and stayed in my sweatpants. 

Then I left the house.

I didnt even care to shower. By myself in the car I took to the road at 35 even though it was 45.

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