Chapter 4.

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        I wouldnt blame her if she left me to. The other one I can see he's hurt to but he smiles it away and I can tell.

I know I'm hurting him. The bell rings and everyone rushes out of the class and I slowly ccarry along. The teacher pulls me aside. I really dont want to do this right now lady. She starts talking to me...

"Alex this is really upsetting that you think you can just walk into class whenever you want. I put so much time into preparing each and everyday. And you dare disrespect me like that. Also that extention you asked for on your last essay I'm no longer going to except it because its been five days. Its going into the grade book as a zero so thats a loss of 300 points. Which will drag your grade down far past an F. Were probably going to have to talk about summer school options. I will be calling your parents about how much you've been misbehaving and not doing any of your work like today. You sat there and just starred off into space. Do you think this class is a joke?! Do you wish you were just off with your pot head friends? I'm not going to tolerate this anymore it makes me sick. Now off you go."

I grab the door and it feels so cold to the touch. I shut the door for the very last time. It's the middle of second period and both my friends are in this class. It turns out all were doing is watching a movie. Its that stupid fish nemo movie that everyone gets sick of watching after so many times. So the class ends up being a social hour. And everyone gets into their group of friends. 

Hannah and Dustin my 2 bestfriends sat with me in the corner. We were going off in the conversation. Then Hannah noticed I wasnt Paying much attention. She looked at my arm. 

You arent cutting yourself again Alex are you? asked Hannah.

I starred back at her.

You are! she said angerly

Then she got up and walked over to the teacher she asked for a pass to the bathroom and brought her back pack with her. So its obvious she isnt coming back. 

Dustin looked at me in dissapointment. I know it hurts him so much but he keeps it to himself. We both kinda sit there and just stare at the movie. Not really paying any attention and I doubt he is either.

The bell rings.

Everyone gets up and leaves. Dustin and I follow behind. As he starts to head in one direction I call him 'Dustin Wait!"

I grab him and give him a long tight hug. I tell him I'm sorry and please forgive me. 

He nods.

Then we both walk off in our own direction. And this in now where I am off alone. All by Myself the rest of the day. Until Lunch that is which I have with Hannah. 

But I really doubt shes gunna wanna talk to me or be anywhere near me today.

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