Chapter 1 ~ Di immortales!

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3rd Person POV

« Mom, I'm home! » Percy called. No answer. He frowns and approaches the kitchen. He finds a note.


Lilith called and asked for some help with her girls while she's gone to an appointment. I'll be home later tonight. Paul's gone to a conference and will be back in a couple days.

Love you,


Alrighty then, he thought. He walked to the living room and nearly had a heart attack.

« Di immortales! » he yelped.

For standing in front of him were 9 gods. And not just any gods. Olympian gods.

He blinked once and then sighed. « Great. What did I do wrong now? » he asked sarcastically and slightly exasperated.

The gods appeared slightly amused at his reaction.

« What makes you think anything's wrong? » asked Poseidon.

He raised an eyebrow. « Okaaay. Let's look at this from my point of view. The most impertinent and stubborn demigod comes home to find 9 major gods waiting for him when said gods could have just as easily summoned him to Olympus. » he deadpanned.

The gods exchanged glances. Zeus stepped forward. « Ah yes. Well it appears that we have a bit of a problem. » he said lightly.

« A bit? » asked Percy.

« Alright, a major problem. » He winced when he spoke the next line. « Our symbols of power are missing. »

Percy's eyes widened. « All of you !? » The gods nodded solemnly.

He blinked once, twice, thrice and shook his head trying to comprehend what he just heard. « Ok ok ok. So, you're telling me that even after everything that happened when your lightning bolt was stolen, none of you decided to upgrade your security! », he said looking at all the gods.

They shifted uncomfortably. He sighed. So much for a relaxing night, he thought.

« Let me guess, you want me to go find them. »

« Yes. »

« But, » started Apollo, « this quest is a bit different than your usual ones. »

« How? »

« We're coming with you. »

A/N Voila, the first chapter. Enjoy! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW. 😀

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