Chapter 2 ~ Starting The Quest

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*Note: The gods that appeared are: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes.

Recap: « This quest is different » said Apollo. « How? » « We're coming with you.»

« We're coming with you. We received a note from the Fates that said we had to go on a quest to find our symbols of power and would receive help from the Saviour of Olympus. Oh! And we're not allowed to quit or leave until we find all of them. » Explained Apollo.

« Wow, uh, okay then. When and where do we start? »

« Well, you see son, we were kind of hoping you could tell us. We haven't exactly ever been on a quest so....» Poseidon trailed off.

« Alright. Well usually we have a prophecy that gives us clues to start, but it doesn't sound like this one does.» Percy paced slightly thinking.
He turned to them. « Did any of you have any sort of protections on your symbols? »

Ares: « Only a formidable warrior could take mine. »

Poseidon: « Only someone with the blood of the sea could touch my trident.»

Athena: « They had to have a good mind »

Apollo: « A musical talent. »

Artemis: « Respectable»

Percy nodded his head and noted the information for later to search suspects. « All right. Well I know Dad's protections narrow down the suspect list quite a bit. »

«How? There are a lot of oceanic people. »

« 'Cause most of those people respect Dad as a leader and a king. They have no motive.» He said «Although,... » he mumbled to himself but unfortunately, Zeus heard him.

« You know who did it? » He demanded.

« No. And I don't want to jump to any conclusions without more information. But I'm just thinking at the top of my head that there is someone who might fit some of the qualities you mentioned earlier. »


He grimaced. « Look, I'm not saying it's him or that he is in any way involved, but, a child of the sea, a formidable and intelligent warrior ... » he looked at Poseidon who frowned at the look his son was giving him.

« What is it son? »

«Well those qualities all sound like ... Triton... » he finished uncertainly.

Poseidon paled. He knew him and his immortal son had a slightly tense relationship, especially since Poseidon clearly thought of Percy as his favourite son and Triton was evidently jealous. But stealing their symbols of power? That seemed like a bit of a stretch. Upon seeing his father's look, Percy quickly scrambled to deny his suspicion.

« I-i just meant that he seemed to fit some of the categories you guys mentioned. But for all I know, it's some random person I don't even know. » Poseidon nodded.

« How about this. Give me 24 hours so I can make a list of facts and then I can hopefully make an educated guess as to where we should start. » Percy said.

« Very well. Tomorrow evening, Hermes will pick you up and meet us so we can begin. »

Percy nodded.

« Good night son.»

« Night dad»

The gods flashed out.

A/N The chapters have been kind of short since I'm trying to just give a background to the story so I can hurry on to the good parts: the actual quest.

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