Harry Potter Isn't A Muggle, He's A Wizard!

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Hadrian Potter, son of Lily and James Potter, lived in Godric's Hollow until his parents died and he was declared the 'boy-who-lived'. He got the title after surviving a killing curse from Voldemort, the dark lord of the generation.
He was sent to live with his aunt and uncle and their son. The kid didn't like them, they didn't like him, life was never quite balanced. The Durleys had more power than the Potter, and made his life miserable. He tried running away once. He was eight years old, and it was his birthday.

Hadrian Potter, son of May Potter and an unknown father, lived his whole life with his mum, his aunt (Ella) and her daughter (Serena). His aunt's husband worked overseas and rarely visited, leaving the four to a small apartment in Birmingham.
He was a city kid who didn't see the point in big dreams.

Currently, it's eight am, and a Wednesday. It's summer break, and the air is thick and muggy. That doesn't stop Harry, son of May Potter, from jogging to a nearby corner store. The cashier only looked up from her magazine long enough to recognize him.
"Some of our lemonades haven't been refrigerated yet. I'll give you one cheap."
He grimaced, but moved to the back of the store. A pack of sour gummy worms made their way into his hand as well.
The cashier paused after ringing him up, then slid a dark pink lip stain tube across the counter.
"I didn't like this colour on myself. You can have it."
Harry, son of May Potter, grabbed it and walked out with a,
"Stop dumping your unwanted makeup on me. I never wear it anyways."

Serena had always liked getting the mail in the morning. Not that they got mail often. Today was an exception. Three letters were in her hands, climbing the stairs back up to the flat. One from her father, one from her great aunt, and... one for her cousin. It was detailed in green ink, with a large red wax seal closing it. The letter was heavy, and it was from a strange address. The letter's sender even knew that he slept in the smallest room.

"Hare-Bear?" Calls the nine year-old, "You've got a weird letter."
The door to Harry's (son of MP) room opened.
"It's from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If your friends are going to spend that much money on a wax seal, they could at least stop coming to our house for cookies."

"Bold of you to assume I have friends." was his absent minded retort. He traded her a small handful of gummies for the letter. The second his hand touched it, his forehead burned.

Hadrian Potter, son of May Potter, had blacked out three days ago after touching a letter. His family binned the letter and he awoke soon after. More and more letters flooded the house. Strangely, they were being delivered by owls. Aunt Ella was sure they had broken one of the lights, though Serena insisted that they hadn't. There was still glass on the floor and Serena had a cut in her foot now. Harry (MP) was getting so pissed at all the owls around him that he refused to leave his room, even to go to the corner store. The family's mental state was deteriorating fast.

It was the next Wednesday. Exactly. Twelve am plus two minutes. It was Harry Potter's birthday.

The voice that called to May's son was loud. The family was just lying in the grass in a park near their flat, afraid their neighbors would start complaining to management if the owls persisted. But a hulking man stood above them, calling to Harry, son of May Potter.
May reached out and clutched her son's shoulder protectively, as if it would do something to ward off the man.

"'Arry! 'Arry, yer had me so worried when yer didn't respond to yer letter! Oh, 'appy birthday! Got yer something. 'Ere- What er yer doin' on the ground?"

Hadrian (MP) scrambled up. "Sir-"

"Now! 'Ere yer go! Baked it me-self. Mighta' got a bit squashed on the way."

"Emm... Thank you sir. But who are you and what business do you have with my son." May hadn't made a birthday treat for Harry yet, because the owls were in the way, but this was strange and she was a protective mum.

The man started fuming. "Yer son? YER son?! This boy is James and Lily's son! Not some filthy Dursley's! I have half mind to hex yer for even sergesten' (that was painful to write, it says suggesting) sumptin' so preposterous! 'Arry, these muggles ern't yer parents!"

Hadrian Potter, son of May Potter and an unknown father, heard a voice whispering in his ear.

"They're your family, really."

"They are my family. Stop yelling. And what on Earth do you mean you'll hex my mother?"

Harry Potter Isn't Harry Potter, He's Harry Potter!Where stories live. Discover now