Chapter 22

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I can't believe we're going through this crap again with Taehyung. We were all worried that we hadn't seen him for quite a while, so you can imagine our relief at finding him. But it was short lived when we realised he was once again in the arms of Namjoon. feelings towards my old friend were really all over the place right now. I have known him for most of my life, almost as long as Jungkook. But recent events have caused me to question just how well I actually did know him. He hasn't been showing us a strong regard for our son's feelings and Jungkook and I have been livid at their whole relationship.

Taehyung has been in a very deep depression over Namjoon's attitude towards their relationship but here he is now, after traversing through hell and back to find his own feet again, back in Namjoon's embrace. What kind of hold did he have on my son? I wasn't going to allow him to hurt my baby again. That I was sure of.

"Taehyung," I faced my son in the living room of Min Jee and Seojun. We had all decided it was best to come here than discuss a private matter in Jeyeon's in laws home and they had been kind enough to allow us to use their home. It would not have been fair to Yoongi either. "What is going on son? You promised us you wouldn't see him again."

"Appa please. I love him and he loves me. I know we did not have a conventional relationship before but things have changed now. He has realised what I mean for him."

"Let me speak baby," Namjoon says, and I watch how his grip tightens on my son's hand. Taehyung nods and stays quiet.

"Jin, I know you hate me right now, especially what I did to Taehyung. If it were me, I would never forgive me. He's your son and I fully understand how you're feeling..."

"How would you know Namjoon?" I cut him off. "You could never know how I'm feeling, or how Jungkook is feeling right now! You don't have children."

Namjoon let out a deep breath and looked at Taehyung, who nodded and patted his hand kindly.

"I-I can Jin, because....because I am a father too."

I looked at him in shock and Jungkook gulped beside me. Jimin was still pacing in the other room. I could hear his steps faulter, no doubt, he had heard what Namjoon had said.

"WHAT!" I thundered. "You're lying!" I pointed an accusatory finger at him.

"Appa! Please stop! He's not lying."

"I have a son Jin. He's 9. He lives with his mother in Japan. In truth, we have no relationship. He doesn't even know I exist. And this is no fault of mine. If I had my way, he would be here but his mother will not allow it. It's a complicated situation, one that I can't get into right now. But that's the truth. And another truth, is that Taehyung is right, I do love him. I've been stupid and unkind. I broke his heart because I was selfish. I didn't want my own heart to break again. So I rejected him. I love him Jin."

"We don't approve."

It was my husband that spoke up. I looked at him in surprise.

"How dare you sit there and profess to love him when you caused him so much pain? And the pain and suffering we too had to endure to watch our child die inside everyday. You hurt him so much. You have no right Kim Namjoon! No fucking right!" Jungkook screamed.

"Poppy, please calm down. Let me handle this."

"No! No Jin! I will not sit back and watch my child be hurt any longer. I was denied the love of my child for sixteen years. Sixteen. And so were you! I will not have Taehyung enter a relationship where he will be hurt again and I can't protect him. I couldn't protect him then but I'll be damned if I won't do it now!"

Namjoon got up and pulled Taehyung with him.

"He's an adult for fucks sake Jungkook. He can make his own decisions."

"Fine. Let him. But he'll be dead to me if he continues this relationship with you."

"Papa!" Taehyung cried. "Please papa, don't say such a thing."

Taehyung was crying like crazy now as Jungkook turned away from him. Jimin ran out of the other room and bent down to pick his twin off of the floor. His eyes searched his father's and mine too. Jimin was crying now as well as he soothed a traumatised Taehyung.

"Appa, please tell papa not to do this to Taehyung. He.....He can't live without us. You know how he is." Jimin pleaded.

"I stand with my husband's decision Jimin. Even if it something that I would not do, I will not go against him. We both love you and your brother and we cannot see our children be used. Namjoon is going to get bored with him again and throw him away like yesterday's trash! And then what? What will he do then?"

"Y-you don't know that appa.....he loves me. He won't do it again. Things were different then. He's changed. Please believe me." Taehyung pleaded.

I turned away from him then. As much as it pained my heart, I held on to my husband's hand tightly and we walked out of the mansion. Jungkook stopped abruptly and spoke.

"You are dead to us Taehyung. We only have one son now."

And with that, we left; the pain-filled cries of our child rang in our ears. But Jungkook didn't stop. He never looked back.



Any thoughts on Jinkook's decision swties? Do you think they are too harsh or are they justified?

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I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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