Chapter Eight

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My alarm went off as usual at six in the morning but I wasn't having any of it this morning. My body hurt worse than it did last night, thankfully, I'd had the foresight to bring my meds with me when I went back to bed. I dry swallowed both medications before rolling over and going back to sleep. I was vaguely aware of knocking a little while later but I didn't give a shit. It wouldn't be for me, no one wanted to see me so I ignored it and went back to sleep.

It was only around eleven o'clock that I came too again, my phone waking me. The pain pills were doing their job so when I rolled over this time, I didn't want to throw up or scream. Grabbing my cell from the bedside table, I activated the screen and saw that I had ten missed calls from an unknown number. No one ever called me. Wait... What day was it? Thursday. Shit! I was meant to be at physio with Caleb an hour ago, th'd brought my appointment forward so it was probably him trying to call because I was a no show and he thought I forgot. I relaxed a little knowing that he wasn't going to see me like this. Hopefully, I'll be more or less healed by our next appointment.

I froze when a text popped up on the little screen from the same number.

Unknown: Hi it's Travis, just checking if you're ok.

Why was Travis texting me? How did he get my number? Panic engulfed me. Did he know? He can't find out about this! I'll be put into foster care when I'm so close to being out of here. Last night had solidified my idea of leaving early. I had enough credits to graduate so once my body healed I would be on the first greyhound out of here. But until then, I needed to keep him off the scent.

Me: I'm fine. How did you get my number?

Travis: When you weren't on the bus I swung by but nobody answered, you also missed your physio with Caleb. Your uncle called the school saying you were sick but I was worried so I may have abused my power a little and got it from your file.

Me: Are you stalking me? :) Was I flirting with him? I need to be pushing him away so he doesn't stick his nose where it doesn't belong.

Travis: Maybe ;) Oh god, he was flirting back! My heart fluttered at the prospect. I needed to stop this now before I got in too deep.

Me: Well I'm fine. Thank you for your concern.

Travis: Are you sure? Brent said you were acting weird on the bus home last night. Can I call you?

No. No. No. No! He can't call me! He would be able to tell right away that something was wrong. Plus, what if Tom heard? He'd probably finish the job he started last night.

Me: Can't... Strep throat That's as good an excuse as any, I guess.

Travis: Hope not from kissing other guys?

Me: No, no boys

Travis: Good, I don't need to fight anyone. Do you need any soup or ice cream?

Oh god why was he being sweet and charming? Why couldn't he be an asshole, it would make this so much easier.

Me: Nope fully stocked, thanks

Travis: Oh. Ok. Guess I'll speak to you later then?

Me: Yeah, catch ya later

He didn't text back after that. I had to bite back the disappointment after all, this is what I wanted. No, it's what I needed. I needed to make as clean a break as possible when I leave this town, with minimal complications. I turned to bury my head in my pillow but when I saw the blood stained fabric I decided it was best to get myself cleaned up. I pulled the pillow case off, and looked around the room for something to help me walk when my eyes landed on my crutch resting in it's usual spot beside my bed. A cold shiver ran through my body. The lock and deadbolt were still fastened tight but I knew for sure that this wasn't there last night. I gulped as I realized it was Tom. He was warning me that he could get to me no matter what and it terrified me.

Grabbing my stick, I headed over to the bathroom to clean up the broken mirror and begin the arduous and painful task of cleaning and patching myself up. It was just before lunch when I emerged from the bathroom a little better than I went in. I was still a mess but at least I wasn't covered in blood now. Just bruises. My eye was still shut and my face and ribs were a vibrant purple but I'll survive.

My phone flashed from the bedside table indicating that I had a message. My heart raced at the thought of it being Travis again even though it shouldn't. Disappointment filled me at seeing another unknown number. Opening the message, I saw it contained nothing but a social media link. I wasn't on any social media for obvious reasons so why would someone send me a link?

I knew better than to open it but curiosity got the better of me and the moment it loaded up I wish I hadn't.

My phone rang with an incoming call from Travis but I ignored it, unable to take my eyes off my screen and pick my bruised jaw off the ground. It rang and rang but I still didn't answer. A message came through but I ignored it. I knew what he wanted to talk to me so urgently about but humiliation wouldn't let me even acknowledge that he had seen what I was seeing. Seeing me. Naked in the shower after having my lunch dumped over my head a few weeks ago. My whole right side was in full view of the camera giving it the perfect view of my scars and burns, but worse of all, my leg. The angle of which I was poised made my body look hideously grotesque. Bones protruded from my hips and spine. My burns, still red and puckered and my gnarled leg looking sickening as the water ran down it. The caption written underneath played over and over as my head span 'Why would anyone want to see this?!' followed by a sick emoji. The comments underneath were worse. Comments like 'Burn my eyes out with a hot poker!" and 'That's just nasty".

I dropped my phone to the floor, unable to look at it any longer. How could someone do this to me? Why would they, wasn't it enough that I was in physical pain every day? Why were there over two hundred comments, why did they all want to see it?

Something within me snapped. A numb calmness spread through me as my body and brain shut down. If they wanted to see me then they could fucking see me. Pulling open my closet, I dug into the back corner to pull out something from my previous lifes clothes while my phone buzzed away on the floor. It just so happened that the first thing that I pulled out was the off the shoulder dress from my dream. Pulling it over my head I was happy to see that it showed a lot of my scarred skin. Tying my hair into a ponytail so the scars on my neck and my mangled face were clearly visible. I slipped on my sneakers and shrugged on a zip through hoodie, pulling the hood up over my head.

Breaking into my savings, I called myself a cab and before long I was on my way to the school. I passed Travis's car as we pulled out of my street but he would be too late to stop me now.


Thank you for reading my latest chapter! If you enjoyed this, please feel free to star, comment, message me or all of the above. I'd love to hear from you :D <3

Iris  - The Intended Series - Book 1(Reverse Harem, N.A, Brothers)Where stories live. Discover now