Chapter Nine

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The cab driver gave me a funny look as we pulled up in front of the school and I handed him his money, but he didn't stop me. The halls were quiet as I made my way to the cafeteria where the majority of the school would be. It was nearing the end of lunch but there were still another ten minutes before they started to leave and head back to class.

The calmness turned to ice in my veins as the cafeteria doors came into view. A hate like I had never felt before burned through me. I was ready to do this and then I would walk away from this school and these people forever.

Noise surrounded me as I pushed open the doors and stepped inside. No one even noticed me, until I took off my hoodie that is. The whole room went silent as it dropped to the floor and the loud raucous noise was replaced with gasps and hushed whispers. But I wasn't interested in any of them. I had my destination in sight and nothing was going to stop me. Not even when Brent, Corey and Preston stood from their table at the far side of the room and began heading my way. They weren't going to make it in time because I was already standing in front of Tammy, Briana and Sabrina's table.

They didn't see me at first, so wrapped up in themselves that they had no idea of the drama unfolding around them. That was until I slammed my crutch down hard in the middle of the table. Now that got their attention. Their eyes were as wide as saucers as they took in my mangled appearance.

"Is this what you wanted to see!' I shouted, my voice echoing through the now silent hall.

"Do you take so much pleasure in seeing my pain and misery? Does it please you that I am in so much physical pain even two years on that I have to take strong pain killers just to make it through one day at school, and that's without all your bullshit piled on top?"

They just sat there with their mouths hung open, unsure of what to say, maybe even afraid to. "Do you like the fact the pain is a constant reminder of the fact that my mom was killed or that because of that I am in the care of someone who makes my face look like this? Was that not enough so you thought an extra dose of humiliation would be the perfect topping on the cake?" My head throbbed from the anger burning through me, making me sway slightly on my feet. My energy was waning, my adrenalin now not enough to sustain me.

"Seeing as you were so personally offended by my existence, I thought I would come down here with multiple broken ribs, a crippled leg and one eye to tell you, you win!"

"W-what?" She sputtered out

"You win. I'm done and after two years of putting up with your shit you have finally broken me and I'm leaving. I have no plan and no career to look forward to thanks to you but at least I'll be free. I just hope that the people around here see you for the ugly, vindictive person that you really are." My adrenalin finally left me and my body began to slump, luckily Preston was there to catch me and haul me up into his arms. "That was some speech." He muttered before I rested my head against his chest and passed out through exhaustion and pain.

I came too in the backseat of Travis's car with my head in Preston's lap and my feet in Corey's. Preston was stroking my hair as Corey was rubbing the sore muscles in my bad leg. I should feel self conscious about him touching it but I didn't care anymore. I was relaxed but most of all, relieved. I'd meant what I said back there, I was never going back. I would ring the administration's office later and arrange for my early graduation. I was done with my life here, all of it.

"I tell you Travis, you should've seen our girl. She was fierce." Brent spoke from the passenger seat, pride lacing his tone. "That whole school now sees Tammy for what she really is and last I saw the principal was on his way to pick her. Tammy was eighteen and she distributed indecent images of a minor. Her daddy is going to need that expensive lawyer of his."

Iris  - The Intended Series - Book 1(Reverse Harem, N.A, Brothers)Where stories live. Discover now