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Please... I'm sorry for everything, please hear me out.

I'll give you 10 minutes.

How can I type in 10 minutes?

Lucas is typing...

Call me?


Maya's POV

My heart is racing. He actually wants to call me. He either hates me or has some kind of problem.

My phone starts to ring.


Okay... breathe.

I pick up.


"Hey." His voice sounds stern.

"Heeeey." I try to sound casual...

"How's it goinnnn'?" Didn't work at all.

"Maya. Let's talk." He says in a stern voice again.

I gulp as I await for what comes next.

"I think I should start off by apologising." He doesn't sound stern anymore. "I didn't mean to lash out on you, and I'm sorry."

"No no Lucas, I was the one who ignored you for 4 days, the least I could have done was answer you."

Did I just say that? Since when is Maya Hart soft?

"Maya it's okay, as you said I was asking personal info, even when we spoke about your friend I was being too nosey. I shouldn't have asked about your family, I mean... mine isn't so great."

"Really?" I whisper as I didn't realise he had it bad.

"Yeah... you see... with my mom working a lot it's hard because I barely see her. And my dad... well, he left when I was young. He walked out on my family on my 8th birthday. He's happier now."

"Lucas..." I have no idea what to say.

"Maya it's okay you don't have to say anything, I'm sure your situation isn't as bad as-"

"My dad is dead." I blurt.

Shit. Why did I...

I quickly hang up and I throw my phone across the room.

Why did I just tell a complete stranger about my dad? I've only ever told Riley and Farkle about him.

And now a stranger knows about my wall? The wall I use to let people in about me and my horrible life.

Have I just let a stranger in?


lucaya fanfic - call me?Where stories live. Discover now