Chapter 18- Arrangements

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"Absolutely not!"

"Please sir."

"Give one good reason why I should." Mr Chris intertwined his fingers and leaned forward, Eager to hear my answer.

"He's just not easy to work with."

"That's Not a good reason Mrs Anderson." He said shaking his head.

"But can I work on the project alone?" I pleaded.

"No and that's final. Work on the project or your both failing. Good day Mrs Anderson.

Huffing, I grabbed the project instructions off his table and stormed out. We had two weeks to finish the project so i would either find a way to work on the project separately or come to a compromise with Jackson.

He came to pick his instructions before I went in, so maybe he might still be in school.

I ran out to the parking lot to look for him and luckily for me he was about to get into his car.

"Jackson,Wait!" I called out.

Upon noticing me, He hurriedly entered his car and started up the engine. I arrived just I'm time. I quickly opened the front seat door and got in.

"Get out!" He snarled, His fingers tightening around the steering wheel.

"Just shut the hell up and listen to what I have to say." 

"Look its obvious that we don't like each other but I'm asking you nicely that we put our differences aside and try to work together for the sake of our grade–so do have a deal." I said bringing my hand up for a hand shake.

He glanced at my raised hand in disgust then stared at my face with the same expression. "One, I'm not touching that hand;only heavens knows where its been and Two, I'm not working on anything with you." He replied coldly.

"I'm not saying we should be friends or anything and besides its only one project."

"I said I can't do it." He snarled.
"Every time i see you, I'm just filled with the urge to strangle you and I won't be able to help myself if I spend 30 minutes alone with you." He snapped his eyes closed and he began to rub it in frustration.

"I'll bring a knife with me so you don't have to worry about killing me if I kill you first." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" His snapped his head towards me so fast that I thought I would break.

"Nothing." I said quickly. The last thing i wanted was to give him more reason to decline working with me. "So do we have a deal."

He paused for a moment, thinking about it "Fine. Meet me at Starbucks tomorrow, After school at 3:30pm sharp and if you're one minute late, you can forget about the project." He said, glaring at me.

"Forget about the project...? Its your grades too, idiot." I half yelled in astonishment.

"Stop yelling. I already agreed didn't I? Now get out of my car, its starting to smell like you." He revived the engine to life once again.

  Giving him one last glare, I got out of the car and slammed the door behind me.

"Asshole." I muttered as I made my way to my car. I checked the time on my watch, it read 3:23. Which meant I had less than 37 minutes to get to Michael's house.

I rushed to my car and immediately drove back to my house to shower and change.


"Hey baby girl, you hungry." Dad was sitting at the dinner table with mom and Jake as mom served him some lasagna.

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