Love lost and found

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     They all moved quickly with a sense of inevitably.  Of forces that have moved them from their normal world.  A world of sunshine, the dry southwestern air, and each of their lives that were their norm.  To some subterranean world, wet and dark, and foreign.  How far we went I don't recall.  I felt hopelessly lost almost from the start.  I only knew we were descending far deeper than we had before.  The temperature only seemed to grow hotter.  And the moisture in the air only thicker.  Our party was far smaller than before.  Only a few of Sunrise's warriors decided to accompany their leader.  Raven led the way with a practiced elegance.  As if she was some jungle cat prowling the darkest caves.  Preston seemed the least effected by their road.  He stopped at every turn pouring a substance from a small vial he carried.  I am sure it was some means to show them back from the world they had came from.  William walked beside me now.  But his talkative nature were muted by their descent.  Richard walked next to Sheldon.  Surprisingly sharing some conversation of what I couldn't guess.
     Eventually our way seemed to become wider and straight.  Soon we walked in a mass rather than in pairs.  Quiet but calmer in the group's presence.  There were areas of debris scattered along this large passage.  Boulders and what looked like carvings within the walls of their path.  "They look like carving of the native people's of Central and South America" said Preston in passing as he would stop briefly studying each as we came upon it.  But our pace was so quick as to resemble the brief investigations of a hound on a neighborhood walk.  Sheldon barely glanced at the sites so fixed was he on any hint of our destination.  Richard also seemed to be of similar mindset.  Though he carried his rifle in both hands ready if needed. 
     I for one cared little of our destination.  If not for the loss of my new friend Professor Martz I would rather be anyplace else.  This entire adventure seemed to solidify my disdain for the underground.  If I never had to venture another foot underground I would be perfectly content.  Though these musings made me laugh for I would again need to enter the underground.  From the sewers of Paris, a Cenote  in Central America, and a vast cave system in Vietnam.  But they are stories for another time.  I found myself so melancholy that I did not realize Raven had brought the group to a halt.
     We gathered closer to hear what she had to say for the stop.
     "We can go no further as a group.  Most will have to wait here.  The way is not watched for the Brotherless have been so diligent in our duties through the long years.  I think I could bring along one or two with me to search for your friend.  Any more would be to noticeable.  And for those who stay I would prepare for pursuit.  Though I hope it does not come to that for we will have little chance.  Now who will accompanying me?"  Asked Raven.
     "How will we not be noticed?" I asked.
"The cave we are entering is vast.  With an empty city of stone where I am sure my people now live though it could hold far more.  Maybe if every tribe decided to move to the Achay home.  They dwell high above in their own city.  Though it looks like no city I have ever heard stories of."
     "Who lived in the city?" Asked Preston.
     "No one for as long as my people have kept watch upon the underground.  The ancestors write that it was were the first men lived waiting for the sun to shine again.
Of what that means or the origin of the story I don't know more that that."
     I thought it would be me and Preston as usual pushed into this most dangerous part of our rescue.  It always seemed we were in some sort of danger.  I was surprised at Raven eventual escorts.  Preston volunteered as I knew he would, the brave boy.  I would not let him go with out me.
     "I will volunteer.  I like Professor Martz a great deal, and someone needs to look after Preston."  I said.  I figured there would be few who wanted to go further.  But I was wrong.  Sheldon came forward next.  He made a strong case for his inclusion.  His knowledge of the Achay. His willingness to try to save his mentor Professor Martz.
     Next came Richard.  He went to exchange a few words with Raven in private.  Of what he said I don't know.  But it must have been convincing.  For after a few minutes thought she came to her decision.  I was surprised by her choice and Preston and I being excluded.  She had chosen Richard and Sheldon to follow her down into the strange city.  They didn't linger and immediately set out.  While the rest of the party rested and waited for their return.  Except for Preston. 
     "Preston what are you doing?"  I asked.  He was putting on his exo skeleton steam suit.  I had forgot that he had hauled it all this way. 
     "While they are off searching for whoever they are searching for."  He answered.
     "Professor Martz."  I answered his statement even when his tone was saying that there was a question asked.

      "She asked us to be prepared if there was pursuit.  I am going to prepare." answered Preston.  And prepare he did.  As we waited in the damp darkness.  Not exchanging a word.  Afraid to break the silence.  Preston moved along the cave taking large rocks and stacking them in make shift walls.  He didn't stop at just one but kept working.  He said that we may need redoubts to fall back to if things went badly.  Finally he stopped his work upon the third wall.  But I could tell it wasn't from exhaustion though he looked extremely tired.

     "What is it Preston?"  I asked as I walked toward him.  He lifted the claw like arm of his lifting apparatus.  It was clear he wished for me to stop.  So I did.

      "The rock here is weak.  It started to crumble as I pulled that last boulder.  I don't think it would take much for this section of the tunnel to collapse. " he answered.

     "Great.  Not only do we have to worry about angry god moths.  We have to worry about the chance that we could be buried alive, and trapped in here for ever."  I said.

     Preston carefully moved forward trying not to upset any thing as he made his way towards me.  "Well I don't think we would be trapped in here forever."  said Preston.  His humor was always so subtle but I couldn't help but laugh.  "Careful or your laugh may trap us all."  It was true but only made me laugh more.  The absurdity of the moment adding to my gusto.  But I stopped laughing when I heard Preston's next words.  "Someone is coming."  I turned and hoped.

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