We are not in Kansas anymore

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     We rested as we continued downward through the labyrinth of caves.  Whether it was the darkness, or the sometimes close confines.  Or the forced quiet to avoid further detection.  Or just the rising temperatures.  I felt miserable.  Preston seemed worried about me.  I could see him frequently looking back at me.  Wordlessly asking me if I was ok with a look.  I gave him my best nod, but he didn't seem convinced.   My new friend seem equally concerned.  William would lend his hand on a difficult spot, or section.  He would hold my elbow, but not in a flirting way rather in concern.  I wasn't sure if I was thankful to both of them or miffed at their hovering and worry.
     It was all moot as we started to hear the sound of running water.  Sunrise moved as down several splits in the tunnel until we reached a large open cave.  A small river of water calmly flowed through.  "Everyone can rest.  You can talk among yourselves.  Only please keep the conversations soft.  We will be heading to the Brotherless village soon.  We won't have surprise but we have hurt them in the fight within the cave.  Hopefully we will find your friend alive."
     We rested.  I didn't feel much like talking.  And my watchers seemed to understand instead talking to each other softly, though stealing glances my way.  I am sure somehow I was the focus.  I hope Professor Martz was ok.  Even though I had so recently made his acquaintance he seemed to already be a long time friend.  Between his gentlemen behavior, archeological knowledge, cooking, and his terrible riding ability, I was worried.  Sunrise walked to me then.
     "Do you wish to see the Brotherless  village?"  Sunrise asked.
     "Yes.  If we can."  I answered.
Sunrise made a clicking noise to her men.  Who nodded with acknowledgement.  William and Preston watched as she led me down another much smaller tunnel.  We walked for another few minutes in silence.
Sunrise reached out her hand to mine.  Helping to lead me through the narrow way.  Beside us ran another small brook of water trickling along a narrow groove within the tunnel.  Her hand felt warm in mine as we moved.  I knew we must be reaching something of significance for a loud roar seemed to filled the air as we turned several small corners.  Sunrise stopped unexpectedly and I walked into her in to close darkness.  I was off balance for a moment and stepped into the slow running water by accident.
     "Dammit." I swore.
Sunrise hand grabbed me while I was off balance pulling me upright before I toppled into the water rather than just my foot.  But my balance was so off in the dark, that I fell towards Sunrise in the dark.  She slowed me down but we both slowly fell together against the wall of the cave.  What happen next was completely unexpected. 
     Sunrise's face was so close to mine.  And we both had smiles on our face after are tumble.  Sunrise kissed me then.  I did not expect the kiss, but it wasn't unwanted either.  I pulled her gently towards me and kissed her slowly.  How long we kissed I don't know.  I only knew it felt like we were alone in another world.  Which we were.  It felt heavenly.  Alone in the dark, kissing slow.  It felt as jarring when she stopped awkwardly.  She smiled shyly.  I smiled back, though I wished we were still kissing.  Sunrise held my hand still and led me further down the tunnel.  She didn't talk, but pointed at a small opening that was were the water flowed through.  Before  it was a flat smooth ledge.  Sunrise pulled me down gently upon the ledge.  The roar was stronger as we laid and prepared to look through the opening.
     The water flowed over the edge and fell below us.  Below us were many other openings some much larger where water poured out crashing into a large lake below us.  It was strangely light in the vast cave where the lake was.  Above us sunlight streaked down from great cracks above.  And across from the lake with the many waterfalls was what I assumed was the home of the  Brotherless.  It was a small village it was built upon a rocky outcropping.  Over looking a field. Before the lake.  I could see people working along the field.  It was beautiful with the light and the water cascading down.  It looked like any other Indian village she had seen in pictures of the West only it was deep underground in a vast open cave. 
     "It is kind of beautiful." I whispered into her ear to be able to be heard over the roar of the many falls.  She nodded her agreement.  We laid together looking over the village for a time.  She would look at me sometimes as we laid.  I wondered what she was thinking from the looks.  She broke the surprisingly peaceful moment as she began to stand.  As I did the same.  And then she led us back through the maze of caves to our party.  The whole moment seemed as if it wasn't real.  When we eventually reached our friends.
     They all were still sitting.  Talking among themselves. "It is time we approached the village of the Brotherless.  I am not sure how strongly it will be defended.  I would like for a few of us to attempt to sneak into the village and release your friend.  Rather than try to fight our way there.  I have decided to keep my men in waiting in case an alarm is raised.  I will bring these two." Said Sunrise.  She pointed to  me and Preston.  Preston only nodded is head in agreement.  Richard and William didn't like the idea though and made their opinions known before we headed out as Sunrise had originally outlined.
     We walked together for a long time.  I could tell we were going around the edge of the cave and waterfall.  We would talk in hushed moments as we walked.
     "I don't know how this world exists.  I don't know if it was the remnants of some long ago volcano.  Or just the natural forming of caves and earth that created this subterranean world." Said Preston.
     "It is amazing.  I am in awe some moments.  And other times stifled and claustrophobic." I said.
     "My father would often take me and my sister down within the caves when we were young.  And before the Brotherless became our enemies." Said Sunrise.
    "Why are your people's enemies?" I asked.
     "It is because of my Sister.  She dared and usurped their chief.  Bringing with it their wrath." Said Sunrise.  She didn't offer anymore information.  I looked at Preston who gave me the let it rest look.  Our time together making it easy to know each other's thoughts.
     We walked for seemed like an eternity.  Though Preston said it had only been a couple of hours. We reached a small opening near the base opposite the waterfall and lake.
And near the base of the subterranean village.
     "My men will have made there way to that opening on the opposite side of the village.  If they sense  alarm they will come and try to help us fight our way out." Said Sunrise.
     "What is this chief like?" Asked Preston.
As we knelt hidden upon the edge of the village.  Waiting for our moment to sneak within.  Men could be seen, but no formal guards.
     "My mother can be an implacable enemy. Once she is roused to action." Answered Sunrise.  Preston looked at me with obvious question.
     "Wait did you say Mother?" I asked.  I didn't get an answer as she signaled for us to follow.  We moved through the edge of the village along short wide roads avoiding everyone.  The homes were small and simple made out of stone mostly, with several small windows.
They had the look of antiquity as if they had been in this place for a long time. 
     During one of our stops Preston whispered a question.  "How long have the Brotherless been here?" 
Sunrise paused to think of the right answer. 
     "They have been here as long as my people have walked this land.  Their chiefs are always changing though.  And sometimes there are many more."  She did not say more and led as between several house that were close together.  We eventually made our way along several open areas within the village.  Sunrise only said "markets."  But one distinctly did not look like a place to sell goods.  More like sacrifices.  We made our way up several small paths that led upward.  The paths had complex stone walls built along there edge as we made our way crouching to a large flat outcropping with a picturesque view of the lake and falls.  I found I could not help but take a moment to look at its beauty.  A small garden could be seen carefully tended  along a sunny edge of the flat.  While another spot looked to have grape vines hanging over a trellis of wood and stone.  Sunrise made her way to the door of a small house with windows facing the village.  She used her knife to run along the doors edge to lift some type of drop lock.  The door opened quietly.  She waved us in.  Which we did so with alacrity.  We paused then resting for a moment before confronting the chief.  We had seen no sign of Professor Martz and I could see the signs of concern on Preston's face.
Our rest was interrupted.
     "I know your there daughter.  Let us cease these games."

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