"I think i found the love of my life"

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"Hana What do they do in those parties" Michi was asking Hana in the Kitchen when they were having a snack together
"Mmm They play music ,sometimes classic others rocking but i think tomorrow it will be a classic one since the press would come"
"Woaah the press!!"
"Yes sweetie the Kims are one of the richest people in South Korea and one of the best companies in Asia. The press should come since it's the heir's fiancee welcome party"
"Woah i didn't know they were that popular"
"Mmm yes but you know. There is a rumor that says thay Mr. Kim took all of his dead sister's wealth"
"Oh Mr. Kim had a sister?"
"Yepp but she died 7 years ago with her daughter and husband"
"Aaah it's a so sad story. But how did you know he took all of her wealth?!"
"I heard dad telling mom aaah i mean Mr. Min telling Mrs. Min"
"Is Mrs. Min your mother??"
"Yes hehe ,now excuse me Michi i will go and sleep i'll have a long day tomorrow" Hana excused herself and went to her room and Michi did tho she saw Jennie when she was going to her room but she choosed to act as if she wasn't there


"Everything is ready Mrs. Min" said one of the maids to Mrs. Min
"Okay" she said then turned to the rest of the maids "Girls i need y'all to be like bumbing bees don't stop working"
"Yes maam" they all said together

"Good Morning Everyone" said Jennie as she woke up
"Good Morning Miss" they all said together and bowed "Keep working i want today's party to be perfect" she said and went back to her room


*In Taehyung's room*

Michi went to wake Taehyung up but he wasn't in his bed
"Ohh is he already awake?" She entered and closed the door but she didn't hear the water flow in the bathroom
"Where is he?" she looked for him to step on something so she screamed. It was him sleeping on the ground. He fell during his sleep and didn't get back to his bed
"Aaah Taehyung" she screamed "What are you doing her"
"Aah Mmm Why are you screaming?" He said with his sleepy voice
"Wake up it's 12pm you have to get up to get ready" she said trying to pull him
"Michi it's not like i'm the girl and i have to get ready what's wrong with you please calm down" he said trying to hide under the bed
"Yaah Taehyung Jennie is coming" she said and he went completly under his bed
"Michi i'm shirtless don't let her enter"
"I was joking why are you scared from her" she started to laugh "She is your fiancee why did you hide tho"
"I don't want any girl to see me shirtless"
"I always see you shirtless" she said and he went out from under the bed
"Mmm doesn't that tell something" he smirked and laughed
"I don't want any girlll..... AISHHH TAEHYUNG JUST WAKE UP" she was angry and left his room

Mrs. Kim and Jennie were having coffee together when Jennie asked Mrs. Kim "Mmm Mrs. Kim do you think Tae is awake??"
"Probably Michi woke him up"
"Wait What??!! You let that girl wake him up??"
"Jennie sweetie it's not like she is his mistress, she is his assistant, Are you jeolous?" asked Mrs. Kim with a smile
"Aah Mmm of course i'm his fiancee" she said and Mrs. Kim smiled
"Don't worry sweetie and get ready for the party" said Mrs. Kim and took a sip from her coffee

"Tae stop moving i want to comb your hair"
"Michi Michi" he was moving like a little kid and she couldn't do her work well
"Yesss!! please stop moving"
"Will you attend today's welcome party?" He asked her
"Mmm of course i'm your assistant"
"What will you wear. Don't tell me you will wear one of those suits"
"As if i can choose something else now stop moving" she said and he stopped moving

"Done" she said when she finished.
He wore a brown suit with a green necktie as he insisted on wearing it like a little kid

He wore a brown suit with a green necktie as he insisted on wearing it like a little kid

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