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"Who are you Miss?" Yoongi stood when this woman started yelling at Jungkook
"WHO AM I??? WHO AM I?? I'M HIS TEACHER! NOW WHO ARE YOU?!!" shouted Jisoo
"I'm sorry but i'm his boss Yoongi, Min Yoongi, the CEO of YDT entertainment"
"What?!!" She started to cough "I-I'm sorry s-sir" she stuttered "I-I'm Jungkook's teacher Jisoo, Kim Jisoo" she bowed
"It's okay Miss... but why are you yelling at him?"
"He must be in his English Academy now sir!"
"English Academy?? Aah!! Yes-Yes i-i wanted him so i called him; a-a meeting, Mmm he asked for his English Teacher's permission!" said Yoongi and Jungkook slapped his forehead
"I'm his English Teacher!!"
"Aah What?! Then Why are you here?!"
"You are lying Mr. Min Yoongi!! I want a clarification from both of you now! I'm not his English teacher and your hesitation means you know everything!!"

"Aah Mmm" stuttered Yoongi when Jungkook finally spoke "I'll tell you everything Mrs. Jisoo but please calm down"

Jungkook told her everything about him being a trainee in YDT company and why do he do this. He told her everything he couldn't tell to his sister

"Jungkook! You have to say that to your sister!! She must be worried!!"
"No!! No Mrs. Jisoo!! She won't accept it and she will be angry!! She might hate me for this too!!"
"But you have to Jungkook! Do it today!!"
"She will kill me and if she knew my grades then boom!! it's my end!!"

"Mrs. Jisoo is right!! You have to tell her today" said Yoongi out of sudden
"Even you hyung!!"
"See even your boss agrees" pointed Jisoo at him
"I think that too" said Mingyu eating his burger "Do you want some Mrs. Jisoo??"

"Aah l-let me get you..." Yoongi was about to continue when she took his cola can and drank from it
"I-It's u-used" he said surprisengly
"No problem"
"S-Should i get you a burger too?!"
"Yes Go! I want to talk a bit with Jungkook. ALONE"
"Okay Come with me Mingyu"
"I didn't finish my burger!!" He complained
"i'll get your family a meal too!!" He said and Mingyu immediately followed him

"Mmm sir?!"
"Can you tell me about Mrs. Jisoo?!"
"You liked her!! Wait!! Don't you love another woman?? The ring??"
"Yaaah it wasn't for me!! Jin will propose to Yuna and he wanted me to get her a ring because he is busy and he wants to surprise her!! And of course i won't say that infront of Jungkook!! It's a secret between me and my friend"
"Aigoo we thought you will propose for Mich... Aahh and Why did you say you will get a girlfriend soon when we asked??!"
"I had a dream of a baby piglet with her mother and..."
"Baby? Piglet?"
"Yepp baby pigs with their mothers mean you will start something new whether a relationship or a new business"
"Woah But it's a dream! You believed it!! Why were you sure??"
"My dreams are always true! Now tell me!! How old is she? What subject does she teach? Is she in a relationship? Where does she live?"
"Yaah Mr. Yoongi!! You just saw her!! Maybe she wasn't the girl you will start a relationship with!!"
"Haven't you seen her drinking from my cola can!! Of course she is!! Who drinks from a stranger's cola can?!!" Mingyu went silent for a couple of seconds
"Mmm i don't know! You better ask Jungkook she was his neighbor!"
"Aishh you are a useless boy"
"Now you will get my family a meal too?!" He said happily when yoongi huffed "I have to i promised you little kid! I never break a promise"

On the other side

"Jungkook! I told your sister about your grades..."
"Wait!! What??!! That means i'd never tell her anything!!"
"Jungkook you have to!! She must be worried!!"
"But Miss Jisoo..."
"Jungkook believe me she will support you!! At the end she is your sister!!"
"I will make my debut soon!! I want to make her proud first!!"
"Fighting by yourself isn't a good idea!! What if you got hurt?? What if something happened and she have no idea where were you?!! What will you do then??"
"Do it today Jungkook!! Do it today before it's too late!!"

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