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Hey guys! I am about to drop a bunch of chapters for this first upload. This is my very first book on Wattpad and my first bxb as well. Also the first full length book I will ever complete. I really hope you guys enjoy it. Also once the posted chapters catch up to where I am in writing the story, expect updates at least three times a week until completion! Also expect chapters to be mostly long and over 2,000 words :)

Let me know what you guys think!


I collapse in my bed not caring that I smell like alcohol, weed, and vomit. It's quiet. Of course I have the house to myself again. I close my eyes to the stillness of my room, trying to sleep as I listen to the wind against my window. My phone vibrates. I groan. Why is she even calling? She should be passed out by now with all the alcohol she drank.

"Why are you calling me, Grace?" I ask, answering the phone.

"I can't sleep and I'm bored," she whines through the phone.

"Aren't you drunk?"

"Uhhh....maybe a little," she says laughing.

I frown. "A little? If you're not hammered, why did you act like a complete drunk idiot and make us have to leave the party early?"



"So, senior year starts next week. Are you excited?" Grace asks, completely ignoring the question.

I roll my eyes. She played me. Again. She just wanted to be waited on like the princess she thinks she is. "Yeah sure. Excited for it to end that is," I say annoyed.

Grace laughs on the other end. "I agree. Although, it should be a little interesting since we are starting at a new school," she says.

"It is our last year. All we need to do is try and keep our heads down and graduate. I want nothing more than to start college and get away from my life."

"Keeping your head down and staying out of trouble isn't exactly your style Marcus."

"Well it will be this year. I have a future to protect."

"Yeah yeah. Your life as a future profiler for the FBI. I know you are just the perfect candidate."

I can hear the sarcasm practically dripping from her mouth. I know that I am not the poster boy for innocence and self control, but who is? Despite my tendency to fight, steal, and basically break as many rules as I can, I will still get into one of the top tens. I have no doubts about it. Hopefully, UChicago because "in state" means in-state tuition.

"I am the perfect candidate. Maybe you should worry about yourself. You do know that in order to be able to get into an arts school as a vocalist you have to be able to sing right?"

"I can sing you asshole," she says her voice icy.

I grin excited to wind her up. "Dying cats sound better than you Gracey. Maybe you should try computer science like your uncle suggested."

"You're a jerk," Grace breaths. "Why don't I apply to UChicago too? I can pick a safe major and minor in music."

"That's fine," I say quickly. I doubt she would want to be stuck with me for both high school and college as well. Hell, I am not sure I want her around either.

"We are friends right Marcus? Wouldn't it be good to know someone when starting college?"

"Yeah.... But, won't you get tired of me and my antics?"

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