Epilogue: Promises

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It's the last semester of our fourth year at MIT. The years passed by so fast. It feels like just yesterday when Marcus, Grace, and I started our freshman year. We walked around campus with so much blind confidence it was ridiculous. College proved to be much more difficult than high school in terms of school work for me. Marcus on the other hand took everything in stride because he's an annoying secret genius.

Music blares through the apartment, taking me out of my thoughts.


Marcus and I have been living with Grace and her boyfriend Alan in a two bedroom apartment since sophomore year. Grace has been playing her debut album on repeat at max volume for a week now. I groan. Grace is a good singer but I'm already over it.

"Grace! If you don't turn that off I'm throwing your phone into the toilet!" I shout, over the music.

Grace peeks her head into the living room. When her eyes land on me, she frowns. "Bite me," she says. She leaves back to the hall and I swear it sounds like she turned it up louder. I shake my head. It looks like I'm going to have to be the one to kill her because Marcus is a little too preoccupied to do it right now.

I look over at him. He's sitting next to me on the couch staring at his phone on the table. He's been staring at it waiting for it to ring for three hours now. He's waiting to hear if he made it as a recruit into the FBI Academy. He keeps wringing his hands and shaking his knee. I pull his hands into mine.

"Calm down, Marcus. You don't need to stress about this," I say.

"Easy for you to say. You've already got your dream job," he says, not taking his eyes off the phone.

I've had an internship with the CDC for a full year now and they offered me a full time position as a Chemical Biologist last week.

"They'd be stupid not to take you," I say, grabbing his chin so he can look at me. It's true. They'd be stupid not to take him. Marcus has spent his entire time here at MIT doing internships at hospitals, government facilities, and federal prisons with psychologists and criminologists. He has gotten a lot of recommendations and accommodations just from the research and projects he's done. He did all of that and even took up mixed martial arts. He's competed in fight tournaments all across the city and has ranked high in the competitions. He did it to control his temper and train his body for the physical demands of being in the FBI.

My eyes scan his body. The training is most definitely my favorite part of it all. I pull him closer to me wanting to kiss him but he just pushes me away grabbing his phone. I chuckle. Okay then. 

Grace's music stops. Oh thank God.  Her and Alan come into the living room, a duffle bag resting on Alan's shoulder.

"We're going on a date and we won't be back until tomorrow," she says, giving me a knowing look. Marcus just nods. Grace rolls her eyes. "You're going to get in, Marcus. I believe in you."

"Thanks, Gracey," he says, with a nervous smile.

Grace winks at me and pulls Alan out of the door. I asked Grace if her and Alan could get lost for the night. I wanted to plan a special dinner for Marcus and I.

"I'm going to be in the kitchen," I tell him.

"Hmm kay," he says.

I grab his face and kiss him. When I pull away he blinks at me, caught off guard. "Stop stressing or I'll take your phone."

He pulls his phone to his chest. "Try me," he dares.

Whatever. I don't feel like dying today. I get up and head to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Soon our meal is ready. I set out plates for the both of us on the table and light some candles. I place rose petals all along the table and the floor around it. I turn on this galaxy projector that I bought a while ago. I watch as it projects stars onto the ceiling. This is so cheesy. Marcus is definitely going to tease me about this. Yet, I can't stop smiling. I hear his phone ring and I run out into the living room.

He is staring at it with wide eyes. When he notices me come in he looks at me, freaking out.

"Answer it," I say.

He takes a deep breath and answers the phone. "Hello?...Yes sir, this is Marcus Deeks....Yes sir............I understand.......Thank you....You to." He ends the call and just stares down at the phone.

"So?" I ask. I can hear my heart beating in my chest.

"I'm in," he grins. I smile, running up to hug him. "I'm in!"

"I had no doubt in my mind," I say, kissing his forehead.

"What's that smell? Did you cook?"

"Wow. Look at you back with the living and noticing your surroundings."

"Dude, just answer the question."

"Yep. I made a special celebratory dinner," I say.

He smiles, kissing my cheek. "Thank you. I'm starving."

"I bet. You haven't done anything but sit there like a crazy person for hours on end." 

I take a deep breath and pull him into the dining room. He gasps, looking around the room. He lets go of my hand stepping forward. He picks up a rose petal rubbing it in his hand. He then looks up at the ceiling, smiling at the turning stars.

"You're so lame. Like, really fucking lame," he chuckles. "But this is really nice," he says, turning back to me.

I pull him close to me and stare into his eyes. "I'm happy you like it."

"Of course I like it," he grins.

"Marcus," I say, my hands shaking a little. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. If I never met you at that park, I would most likely be alone, jaded, and broken. You gave me the courage to love and be loved. And I don't even know if I made as much of a difference in your life as you have in mine." 

I pause,  getting down on one knee and pulling out the silver band in my pocket. Marcus places his hands over his mouth in surprise. 

"But, I promise, that everyday, I'll try to give you twice as much happiness and love as you have given me. Because you deserve everything. You deserve the stars. I love you."

I take his hand. It's shaking and tears are streaming down his face. He annoyingly wipes them away. I smile at his stubbornness. He's always trying to act tough. 

"Marcus Deeks, my beautiful psycho boy, will you marry me?" I ask, my stomach in my chest.

He stares at the band and then back at me. "Fuck," he whispers.

I chuckle nervously. "Is that a fuck no or a fuck yes," I ask.

"Yes! Fuck yes!" he says, pulling me up to kiss him. I melt into him feeling as if I'm flying.

I pull away slightly, my forehead resting against his. I wipe away his tears, kissing his wet cheeks and his eyelids. "I love you, Ken," he whispers, before kissing me again. "Thank you for not running away from me. Thank you for staying by my side."

I tilt my head back so I can look at him in his beautiful blue eyes.

"You keep your promise, and I'll keep mine."


Thank you!

With love,

Marcus, Ken, Grace, and Nak

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