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When we walk into Ken's room, I'm horrified. His room is usually messy but this is an entirely new level of mess. It is literally a landfill. Clothes are thrown everywhere. There are dirty plates on the floor. And with the amount of papers strewn about, I'm sure if we turned them back to trees it would amount to a forest. He must really have not been feeling too well.

"Ken? Are you sure I'm not going to find some rare species growing in here?"

He scratches the back of his neck and gives me a sheepish look. "It's not that bad."

I look at him with wide eyes. "Not that..." Un-fucking-believeble. This dude is on some mad unnecessary shit. "We're cleaning this. Now!" He tries to argue but I shut him down. I can't even see the damn floor!

We spend a few hours cleaning his room, washing his clothes, and sorting through all his papers. By the time we're finished, it's already dark.

I fall back on his bed, tired but satisfied.

"I don't think my room has been this clean in years," Ken says, looking around in awe.

"Well you better keep it this way or you'll have me to deal with."

"Whatever, mom," he says, rolling his eyes.

I grab a nearby pillow and whack him in the head. He scowls at me, but lays down next to me.

His eyes are closed but his lips are tugged into a smile. I can't help but stare at him. His smooth brown skin, sharp jaw, and- wait! This is not the time. "So, what's been going on with you," I ask, determined to help Ken in whatever way that I can.

He sighs and takes a second before he speaks.

"Before you came by that day, I got into an argument with my mom. It was mostly about my dad." He looks over at me, meeting my eye. I give him a small smile to continue.

"He took his life in this house. And I'm constantly reminded by it. Constantly reminded by how he just abandoned me. And my mom still worships him like he did nothing wrong. Like he died of a heart attack or something. I'm just...," he pauses, tears streaming down his face. "I'm just so frustrated and angry and it hurts. It hurts so much that I don't want to feel anything at all."

I take his hand in mine pulling him into my arms. I hold him tightly to remind him that I'm there.

"I was dealing at first, you know. At least, I thought I was. But that night, it was like everything started to fall apart around me. I could no longer ignore the pain or any of the emotions I was feeling. And now it feels as though I might drown." Ken looks up at me.

His eyes look so sad and so desperate that I feel like I'm going to break down too. 

Keep it together, Marcus. 

I wipe the tears from his face and rub my hands through his hair as I try to think of what to say. Think of the words that can help save the boy that has saved me countless times already. "I'm going to say something. And I have no idea if it will help or make things worse," I say, hesitating.

Ken just nods still looking into my eyes.

I sigh. "You have every right to be angry, and frustrated, and sad, Ken. Your dad left you. You thought he would be there forever. And then one day he wasn't."

"I hate him Marcus. He didn't even tell us why. I have no idea why," Ken interrupts, his voice breaking.

I hold him tighter. "I know. I understand. But I think you should forgive him." I pause, waiting for him to lash out and yell at me, but he doesn't. He stays quiet, furrowing his brows.

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