Chapter seven

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Hello! Auther here, I hope that yall are doing well and taking good care of yourselves! I am glad that yall are liking the story so far but now, we are getting into cannon and to be honest with yall im watching it as im writing the story since I haven't seen it at all but im gonna try my best to keep the OOC down but I dont know if I can at some points but I'll try my best!

"so you're telling me that since school is fucking ending in two weeks that I shouldn't bother going at all!? Dabi, what the fuck."

The morning sun had kissed him awake. Slivers of light peeped through the drawn blinds, casting thin golden stripes across his angelic face. He opened his eyes and slowly, drowsily and lopped sidedly he smiled and with the slow rise of his hand gave the sun the middle finger. Thanks to the sun he was widely awake even when he didn't want to be. "Ho, ho, ho sun my enemy~ I will kill you where you stand~" taking a deep breath he slid his body off the bed to the ground and moaned when his skin met the cool ground, it almost made him fall back to sleep if it wasn't for the damn sun still in his way.

Grumbling to himself he pushed himself off the nice comfortable cold for and made his way to his bathroom to do his business completely forgetting his guest in the next room. Once he was done with the shower he walked out his room and into the kitchen with a towel around his waist, looking in the fridge he noticed that it was stocked up unlike last time he was here but shrugged his shoulders as he grabbed a carton of milk and drank from the bottle. "You know other people would drink from that." came the raspy voice of Dabi

turning around he saw the man he saved and with a smirk "If you don't want to dink this then maybe you should try down south" he chuckled and lowered his towel slightly, Dabi rolled his eyes and walks back to the guest room slamming the door, Dabi left the pouting fallen angel(Demon!) alone in all of his glory.

He glared at the door "Tch, dont leave the poor demon alone" he puts the carton of milk back into the fridge and went into his room to change into some clean clothes while also trying hard not to beath in the small amount of pheromones that have been left behind.

He fisted the air "Let's FIND A GOD DAMN SCHOOL!" with a skip to his step he made his way to the front door but a creak from the guest bedroom stopped him in his place. A sigh was heard from the other male "That would be a problem dumbass." turning around he glared at the shorter male, crossing his arms and leaning on his left foot, "What do you mean by that? Dabi-kun~" purring Dabis name with a sadistic smirk. Dabi rolled his eyes "School is almost over...I think in two weeks?"




Ryuk let out a slow controlled breath and attempted to loosen his body movements. He was still like a soldier. He gave his shoulders a wiggle and lolled his head in a circle. It was a decent effort, but to Dabi, it was like a neon sign. His eyes moved with the alertness that comes from heavy stress and her hands remained clenched by subconscious demand. He slowly started to flex his fingers, listening to the cracking they made with each stretch. with another slow controlled beath he looked at Dabi with a slight twitch in his eye and a stained smiled.

"So you're telling me that since school is fucking ending in two weeks that I shouldn't bother going at all!? Dabi, what the fuck."

Calm down Ryukie remember what you always told me! He nodded to himself, right, count from 10 to 1 then back again, 10,9,87,6,5,4,3,2,1. Take a deep breath then 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 take another deep breath. He smiled like his usual self "That's okay, is there anything going on in the summer? " Dabi scratched at his head "Ya, something is going on that my bro- someone's kid is gonna go to UA and take the UA entrance exam." He tilted his head when it seemed like Dabi was gonna say, brother, hm lets store that into the Dabi folder. Tilting his head to the other side and with a sarcastically bright smile "So do you know when it starts?" snapping his fingers "never mind don't answer that, I can figure it out~"

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