Chapter 2

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As Iris and I caught up over a cup of coffee, I discovered that her love life was the opposite of mine. She'd found a nice guy named Eddie Thawne that had just recently asked her to move in with him. I just told her to be careful and move slowly because that's a big step in a relationship. Of course she already knew all of that, so that conversation was short-lived. She's an adult, she knows what she's doing.

We walked out of the café laughing and elbowing each other for some joke Iris had made toward my awkwardness. "So where are you staying?" she asked me.

"I just planned on renting a small place close to yours---"

"Absolutely not." She cut me off. "You're staying with me. End of discussion."

I eyeballed her smug expression, but didn't argue. After all, I didn't have a job in Central City yet. "Thanks Iris. You're the best."

"And don't I know it!" she replied. I laughed and slid into her deadly passenger seat once again. I held on for dear life as she drove back to her house, where Joe was seated at the couch watching some basketball game. He turned his head toward the door, and got up to once again give me a hug.

"I told Katie she wasn't allowed to rent an apartment and stay by herself. It's okay if she stays with us, right?" Iris asked.

Joe smiled at Iris, then at me. "I would be offended if you didn't, Katie. Welcome home."

Iris showed me upstairs to the guest bedroom, where I put my bag down on the bed and quickly unpacked. Iris put the last of my shirts in a drawer and smirked.

"I have an idea."

"I've learned to be very skeptical of those words when they come out of your mouth," I said.

"But this time, it's really good. Just trust me," she replied, running out of the room. I followed her back down the stairs, where she was already speaking a million miles an hour with Joe. He was nodding, and occasionally looking over in my direction.

He put his hand up to stop Iris's word flow and asked me, "What is your college major, Katie?"

"Anatomy major, minor in physics and chemistry," I replied instantly.

He nodded back at Iris. "I think she's definitely qualified. And there's an open position right now. She could do something like what Barry does."

"My thoughts exactly," Iris replied, and walked back over to me. Joe was already on his cell phone, talking semi-professionally to what sounded like another man. "Barry is a forensic scientist that works with the CCPD on criminal cases. He double-majored in Chemistry and Physics, so you guys have a lot in common. He's a super nice guy, and crazy smart. He can be a little dorky sometimes, but you can be too."

"Hey!" I replied, punching her playfully in the arm.

She put her hands up in false surrender. "I'm just telling it like it is!"

I gave her a playful glare, and then Joe's hand landed on my left shoulder. I looked up at him, and he was smiling down at me like I was his long-lost daughter that he was so proud to have come home.

"I just got off the phone with the Chief. He says that your trial run is tomorrow, and if he likes you, you can have the job."

"Really?! Joe, that's amazing! Thank you so much!" I jumped up off the couch and wrapped my arms around his neck. What can I say, I like hugs.

"You're welcome. But you're under my personal recommendation, so don't screw it up."

I gave him a light-hearted laugh. "I'll try not to screw up your reputation too much, Detective."

He chuckled, and then said goodnight to Iris and me before walking upstairs.

I turned to Iris in complete awe and excitement. "Your dad is the coolest."

"Yeah, he totally is. I'm so excited for you! I hope you like Barry when you meet him tomorrow. He's pretty much the boy version of you, except he's always late, and you're almost always early for everything. I think you two will get along very well."

And for the first time, I couldn't tell what Iris was thinking. I thought I saw something mischievous in her eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it had come.

"I guess we'll just have to see." I replied.

A/N: Okay guys, these two chapters were obviously just to set eveything up for the story to get rolling. Barry will be in the next chapter, I promise! Once again, stick with me! It'll pick up, I promise! Let me know what you think so far, and I'm always open to suggestions. Just message me or comment on this. I'd love to hear from you all!

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