Chapter 6: All Fun and Games, I Think

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*A week later*
It's been about a week since Ash and I started dating, and Dally hasn't been hanging around. It was around 7:00, and we'd just finished supper. Two Bit, Steve, Johnny, and Soda all near the tv, watching some movie.

"Y'all wanna play a game?" Two Bit asked.

"Sure, why not?" Ash said from her spot next to me, shrugging.

*Ashley's POV*

"Truth or Dare everyone?" Two said with a smug grin. We all sat in a circle-ish shape on the floor and Two said,

"Alright, I'll go first. Ponyboy, truth or dare?" Pony looked at me, and I shrugged again.

"Dare, I guess," he said, raising an eyebrow at Two Bit.

"Hmm...What do you like most about Ashley?" Two said, looking slyly at him. Pony went a couple shades of red and mumbled,
"Everything." Two shook his head.

"Nope, we need an answer!"

"Alright, alright. Her smile and her eyes," Pony said, looking at me and smiling.

"Aww, thanks Pony," I said, and kissed his cheek.

"Eww, PDA!" Soda said, fake gagging. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Truth or dare, Soda?" Pony asked.


The rounds went on forever, or so it seemed, by the time we were all fed up with it, it was only 8:00.

"Wanna go catch the Nightly Double?" Pony asked me.

"Sure!" I said, "Anyone else wanna come?"

"I'll go, my folks don't want me around anyways," Johnny said. It was no's all around other wise. Darry said he'd drive us there and trusted us to walk back by ourselves. When we got to the Double, Dally was standing there.

"Hey y'all, mind if I sit witcha?" he asked, surprisingly civil.

"Sure Dal," Johnny said. We went and sat behind some Soc girls.

"Hey there good lookin," Dally said, tapping on the red headed Soc.

"The hell do you want?" the girl said, turning around. She looked real angry.

"To get in your pants," Dally said with a chuckle.

"You stupid hood, maybe this will cool you off!" the girl said, and she threw her Coke right in his face.

"Bitch...see ya guys later, I'm leavin," Dally said, and walked off. I tapped the girl on the shoulder,

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Stupid hood.." she said.
The movies ended and the Soc girls started to look worried.

"Crap, Marcia, we don't have a way home!" the red head said. The other girl, Marcia, turned to us and asked,

"Mind giving us a ride?" I looked at Pony and Johnny, they both shrugged and nodded. We walked out, and met up with Two Bit.

"Hey guys, who're these ladies?" Two asked, winking at Marcia.

"I can give you a ride home, we just need to go to my house and get the car," Two said, pointing towards his house. Marcia and the red head nodded, and we all started following Two Bit. That was until a Mustang started to slowly trail behind us.

"Shit, Cherry, it's Bob and Randy!" Marcia said, grabbing Cherry's arm. I looked back, and saw 4 Socs tumble out. One of them had on a lot of rings and was holding a flask. Johnny looked real worried, then I remembered he was jumped by some Socs a year ago, Steve had called me up and told me.

"What're you guys doing with our women?" the guy with the flask said.

"They're not doing anything Bob. They offered to give us a ride home because you're too drunk to stand!" Cherry yelled.

"C'mon baby, don't be that way. Let's go," Bob said, reaching for her arm.

"Don't touch me," Cherry said, but got in the car anyways. Before Bob got back in the car, he turned and said,

"You greasers ever pick up our women again, and we'll take yours," and pointed at me. I grabbed Pony's hand and he turned us around, and we started walking home.

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