•°•Chapter 5•°•

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"Yass boo tell em again" he said making me choke on my orange juice into laughter.

"Is he like this all the time" I asked jacquees while he started to make eggs.

"Yeah, sad to say it's something wrong with him for sure" he joked .

"Cut all the talking and cook me my food nigga" issa spoke I just shook my head and looked at these two who were now arguing which had me rolling.


"Sports physical therapist assist athletes to improve there athletic performance" my professor went on, I've been in this class almost three hours now so much for my first class.

"Wow look at the time you guys I guess I went a little over, next class will be on Thursday at the same time" she yelled.

I grabbed my laptop bag and put my Mac Book in there , then grabbed my purse and headed out the building.

Its 3:50 so I guess I'll just go home and take a nap. When i made it home i went straight to my room but something didn't feel right like something was out of place or about to happened.

But before I took my much needed nap I went downstairs In the kitchen, I just grabbed me a hot pickle and some water and went back to my room.

"Boo" I heard someone say loudly ,I screamed and turned to see my best friend angel on my bed.

"oh my god i missed you gelly" I yelled running up to hug her and giving her kisses,making her fall straight on her butt.

"Ouch riah stop it and i missed you too boo" she said rubbing my kisses of smiling.

"I'm so happy now i felt so lonely without my best friend" I rejoiced plopping down on my bed turning on the t.v.

"How's life been" Iasked her flipping through channels.

"Uhhhh don't get me started well...My mom and dad irk my nerves all they do is argue and their considering getting a divorce, granny is sick which is really scary, Me and Devon broke up because he up and got his ex Courtney pregnant and yep i think that's about it " She cried to me.

"I feel so stupid after Maurice died everything's been going down hill, It's all my fault" she murmured breaking down. I comforted my best friend , i was so worried about myself i didn't even realize how bad angel was going through it.

"Angel please don't cry everything's going to be okay, Its not your fault god makes things happened for a reason even tho you may not like it you have to accept it" I stated to her trying to cheer her up a least a little bit.

Just thinking about what happened to angel hurts me she was six months pregnant before i moved here ,When she was in labor which was two months before she was due the doctor told her there would be complications because of how early the baby was. Three days after her baby boy Maurice was born he died from being premature. So anytime something would happened between her and Devon in their relationship he would throw that in her face and say she killed their baby which was wrong. Her parents blamed each other for her getting pregnant in the first place and what happened to their grandson.

Before i realized it she had cried her self to sleep , I covered her up and got under the covers also and went to sleep.


Waking up i heard laughter, I blinked a few times so that my eyes could adjust to the light. when my eyes adjusted i yawned and got out of bed and went to Jaylen's room.

"Hey sleepy head" Jaylen joked while angel laughed.

"What time is it" I questioned while sitting criss cross applesauce on her floor.

"Time for you to get a watch" Jaylen remarks handing Angel a Playstation remote and putting in Grand theft auto.

"You so lame , but let me playyy " i whined.

"Naww I'm lame so you can't play my game" jaylen laughed trying to rhyme.

"Stop with the rhymes you ain't no poet" Angel said as we all shared a laugh.

"so jaylen what's been going on with you and tygene" i asked my little sister trying to be nosey.

"Well we're just close friends but we kissed "she said excited.

"just friends my ass ,baby girl friends don't kiss " angel said making me and jaylen laugh.

"Well zariah remember how he gave me his football jacket well i said yes and took it, he said he wants me to be his good luck charm so does that mean we date or what" she asked looking confused.

"basically yeah he wants you to be his girl" I answered smiling .

"I need to go call bae then" She laughed pulling out her phone calling him.

" Uhhh I'm hungry" I said holding my stomach getting off the floor.

"Wanna cook me something " angel asked smiling at me .

"girl bye better make you something "I joked as she flicked the middle finger up at me.

"I would if i was a boy cause shawty you cute and thick" I laughed at my crazy ass bestfriend.

"Mhm mami" She spoke winking at me.

"Your so gay" I said now in tears from laughing at her.

"No but serious tho make me some food please "she asked poking her lips out.

"You ugly and no" I replied making my way out of my room ,to go downstairs.

"I'll help you "she said running out the room coming downstairs.

"If you really wanna help you would take out the boneless chicken breast and run some hot water" i say going in the cabinets getting some bow pasta and some season out.

I whipped up some chicken Alfredo real quick ,we ate and went back upstairs to watch Juice on Netflix. I'm so in love with this movie but it's crazy how Bishop just turned on all his friends like that .

"Joseph how could you not know something like this" We could hear my mom yell from my parents master bedroom.

"I just found out what do you mean ,It wasn't planned" My dad yelled back, oh god what they arguing about now. I walked to their room and knocked on the door.

"Come in" My dad yelled.

"Could yall quiet down please" I asked politely not wanting to here my mom's mouth.

"Zari its not the time right now please just go back to your room" my mom replied, i thought she was going to yell but okay.

"She can stay" My dad said trying to test my mom's patience.

"Well since she can stay tell her what's going on" she yelled.

"Tell her Joseph,matter of fact Jaylen come here" She yelled even louder than before....

A/N:Chapter 4,How did you like it please comment on how you felt it went,vote if you liked it,share so this story can get around. This is just a filler it might be kinda boring.

-Cliffhanger haha...

-Angel's past was tough..

-Jaylen and Tygene tho..

-What does Jazariah and Jaylen's parents have to tell them?

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