~the news~

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   We were visiting our family in Mexico after a year of not seeing them. My mom started becoming homesick so she brought up the idea of visiting our grandma and aunt for a week. My dad wasn't as on board with the idea due to the fact he had to take leave without getting paid for the days he was gone, but other than that he agreed after he was guilted into going by mother bear herself.

The first few days seem to go by fast, we had spent it all on going to the beach to eat clams and the mall to try gorditas we were so desperately craving. We had fun and for the last few days we spent it on family time. We talked about our lives and what has happened since the last time we visited.We ate as a big family and for once my dad seemed happy. As much as being in their house at night and having to sleep in the hallway due to the lack of beds makes me very paranoid, the mornings were always the best. Waking up to the smell of my grandma's coffee and her wet lips kissing my face as she head out to work in the mornings always made it better.

When it was time to leave I always made sure to wake up with my grandma to make sure I gave her the biggest hug and thanked her for having us. After that I would wait for everyone else to wake up so we can get the packing done. We would eat and bathe one last time before we started anything. By the time we got everything mounted on the truck and did a double check of every room, we said out goodbyes to our aunt and her kids. After a bit of crying and promising to visit them soon we left with a bittersweet taste on our mouths.

What happened after that was a bit of a blur, I couldn't remember the trip back if I even tried too. Either way we had arrived home stressed and hungry. We spent the whole day trying to feel normal, while keeping in mind that we had to get ready to come back from spring break. I was happy to see my friends again, throughout the trip I tried to keep in touch with all of them, but it was hard when there wasn't any internet. But I can't complain, it's always nice to be away from our phones and talk to family. I missed them dearly and texting them was not the same as seeing them in person.

When school came around I gave each and every one of my friends a big hug and a kiss on the cheek which was returned with a laugh and a kiss back. I tried to get back into the flow of my schedule. Two days went by and I felt normal again. Doing work, going to lunch, doing more work, going to art club, and finally heading home to finish my homework. I was content with my schedule.

It wasn't until I received a call at 9:25 pm from my friends parents asking if I had seen Perseus or not. I told them I haven't and to ask our other friends in our group. They responded in a panicked voice that they've already asked everyone and that I was the last person that they could check with, they explained that they went to check up on him after he didn't come down for dinner and saw him missing from his room. His window was open so they thought he might have ran to one of our houses to hang out or something but found it weird he didn't say anything, hence the panic they are currently in. With this news I began to panic as well, my mind creating scenarios of what might of happened to Perseus. Did he runaway? Is he hurt? Did he get kidnapped? I tried calming myself down but it proved to be futile.

I quickly told them I'll help look for him and hung up on them. I jumped up from my bed and ran to my closet, picking up my shoes off the floor and the flashlight on the top of the shelf. I quietly made my way down stairs. My dad's bald head peeking out of his chair, you could hear him softly snoring. Trying to not make noise i opened the door as slowly as I could, grabbing the keys from the key holder just incase. I let out a breath i didn't know I was holding and started walking. I thought of areas Perseus frequented, the park, the lake, and our tree house in the forest. I went to the one closest to my house first, the lake.

The walk there was quiet, the moon already high in the sky, which helped to light my way. Once I arrived I walked around the perimeter making sure he wasn't laying or hiding somewhere. Nothing. He wasn't there. I took the path leading to the park and as well found nothing. Just the squeaks of the swings as the air lightly pushed them and the rustling of the trees.

I clicked on the flashlight and made my way to the tree house. The path leading to it was right behind the school. It was overgrown with weeds and flowers after many years of abandonment. We discovered it one day after school while we tried to look for something fun to do. Mikayla suggested we explore the forest, we all agreed and followed her lead. That's when we discovered the trail. We were cautious at first, the stories of the "man eating werewolf" making its way into our heads. They were only stories right? They aren't real? In the end we continued our journey forward. It lead us to the abandoned tree house, rickety and damp. We decided to adopt it as ours and tried to fix it the best we could.

Perseus and Mikayla helped in making it less worn down by adding planks where it was needed and a new ladder, their training in Drama club seeming to have been worth it, while Roe and me painted it with a fresh coat of pastel and navy blue paints we borrowed with the permission of Ms. Duller. Toby did some of the interior decorating, she made it feel lived in by adding plants, rugs and seats. We sometimes joked about it being our second home where we can go to when we feel down or bored. I know I use it a lot, the days where my dad yells at me or gets physical I head straight to the tree house. We recently got a mattress just in case one of us needs to get out of our house for a while.

Every little noise made me jump. I've never been outside at this time, sure I slept over but I never went outside and usually arrived when the sun is setting. The moon that was once lighting my way did nothing, my small flashlight barley helping me.

There was a loud snap.

I quickly turned to the spot it came from, giving myself whiplash in the process. Nothing. I darted my flashlight around to my surroundings. I stayed still and listened. Nothing. Nothing but my soft breaths of terror. I cautiously continued to walk forward stopping at any sound, I could see the tree house up ahead, the orange glow of the lantern peaking out of the windows. So he was there! I picked up my walking speed. My foot caught on something and before you know it my face collided with the ground, my arms moving in front of me to stop the blow but doing little to help. I groan in frustration and picked myself back up. Sitting on my bum i reached for the flashlight next to me. I shined it at the floor.

It was him.

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