My discusion

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I sat on a bench. Just thinking what I should do. But only what I can think was Arun in a towel. He was soo hot. Oh my gosh. I should stop. Ughhhh.
Damon: "I didn't know that you where married."
Me: "uhm, yes."
Damon: "Arun told me yesterday."
Me: "oh. Yeah."
Damon: "why didn't you told you?"
Me: "I was going to. But Arun didn't let me."
Damon: "ohhhh."
Me: "yeah. I am sorry."
Damon: "no, I am sorry for my behaviour. I shouldn't have kissed you."
Allan: "hi."
Oh my gash. I thought it can't be worse. But then I comes.
Damon: "hi."
He sat next to me.
Allan: "hi sweetie. I missed you at the office. But I got the post."
Me: "what?!"
Ughhhh. I told nick to say no.
Damon: "who are you?"
Allan: "did he asked me?"
Damon: "yes!!!"
Allan: "that's a good question. Who am I ?"

Allan: "okay. I will tell.  I am Allan."
Damon: "and you are?"
Me: "he is the brother of Allan."
Damon: "he is the brother of your husband?"
Allan: "yes. But later maybe husband."
Damon: "you are the brother of Arun. And you want to marry your brother's wife. Are you insane?"
Me: "yes. Bye."
It looks like my problems follow me.
I went to my ex best friend. Because she is the only friend that I can trust.

*15 minutes later*
I was standing for her house. Shall I bell. No it was a bad idea. Coming here. I turned to go. When I saw Lara.
Lara: "hi."
Me: "hi. I was just going."
Lara: "I saw that."
Me: "it was a bad idea. Bye."
Lara: "I am sorry. Please. Don't you remember how we apologise. I bought ice cream. And it's your favourite."
I hugged her so tight.
Me: "apology accepted."
Lara: "thank you so much. It really mean to word to me."
Me: "it's okay. I was here to talk about my divorce."
Lara: "what are you talking? Are you crazy?"
Me: "no."
Lara: "you're just 3 moths married. You can't just divorce him."
Me: "I know."
Lara: "he is sooo handsome. Plus he is very rich."
Me: "but you know his mother doesn't like me."
Lara: "so, then you should convince her that you are better than that she has thought. If I were her and you would say that. I will search for place and time for an other marriage for my son. So you are going let her see that you are way better. You are going to do it."
Me: "okay."
Lara: "that's better. Soooo, maybe. Shopping ?"
Me: "gahgahahahahah, okay."
We both went to the shopping mall.
*after 10 minutes*
We were at the mall. Lara was the hole way talking about her live.
There came a guy, he hugged Lara. Who is that?
The guy: "hey babe."
Lara: "hey."
Me: "hey. I am going in that store, Lara. I will see you there."
Lara: "yeah, sure."
I went to the store.
When Arun came and grabbed my hand.
Arun: "hey, babe."
Me: "hey? How did you know that I was here?"
Arun: "you're friend texted me. That you were coming to the mall. So, I hurried."
Me: "so....?"
Arun: "I wanted to be with you. Just you and me. Just shopping."
Me: "why? We got our first fight."
Arun: " I know. But I love you. So, I forgive you."
Me: "okay."
Arun: "I think red will be hot. But pink is so cute on you. Try this."
I went to the the fitting room. And tried the red one first.
Me: "Arun, can you please come in?"
Arun: "sure."
He came in. He looked so shocked.
Me: "does it look that bad?"
Arun: "no, you look stunning!! Try the pink. I will wait outside."
He went outside. I put the pink dress on. But the dress had a zip.
Me: "Arun?"
Arun: "yes...."
me: "can you help me with the zip?"
Arun: "yes, turn around."
He placed one hand on my waist. With his athletic hand he zipped the dress. It felt so weird.
Me: "what do you think?"
Arun: "I think you look cute. You are gonna take them both. I will wait outside."
Me: "before you. Can you unzip the dress?"
I turned. He unzipped and went to outside.
What is that feeling? That I feel. I went to outside. Me: "I think I am gonna take the red one."
Arun: "sure."
We both went to the cash desk.
Me: "I will pay."
Arun: "sure."
I paid for the red one. But he paid for the pink one. I wanted to ask why. But then I thought it's not my business. That would be great.
Arun: "can I take you home?"
Me: "yes, but I don't see my friend."
Arun: "she went to her home."
Me: "what? No that can't be."
Arun: "she told me, to tell you."
So great to have friend like this.
Me: "sure."
We went to his car. But we didn't said a word to each other. The hole ride was awkward.
*20 minutes later*
We arrived at his home.
Arun: "you can stay here. I will not disturb you. And I will sign the divorce papers. But you can it only send it in 9 months. Because otherwise they will reject the divorce paper."
Me: "okay."
It was just 2 weeks for by. Great. I went inside. I saw Lia and her kid running in the house.
Her kid: "dadddddyyyyyy."
Arun: "hi."
I went to upstairs. And sat on my bed. What should I do? Do what Lara said. Or take the divorce?

What is she gonna decide?
Thank you so much for reading. I think I will not update for a few weeks. Because the schools in Netherland are gonna open (they were closed because the corona virus) . And I have so much tests coming. Where I should prepare. So I am sorry.


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